Bless Fellowship Ministries
Gollapudi, Vijayawada, India

I am Vijay Kumar Mandala. My family and I are the pastor family for the Bless Fellowship Ministry located in Gollapudi, Vijayawada, India.
I was married to my wife Susanna Mandala in 2011. We have two sons, Ephraim and Brightson.
I was making a good living for my family selling incense used in idol worship when my wife became ill and was bedridden. We called on a local pastor who came by and prayed for my wife. She was healed by the power of God that was manifested through this local pastor. The same pastor told me I needed to confess my sins and be saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. On December 31st that year I prayed and asked Jesus into my heart.

Since that day I have spent a few hours with God, learning and studying in the Holy Spirit. I was still running the incense business that promoted idolatry. For three days the Lord spoke to me in a vision, commanding me to do His ministry. The Lord told me I would do business and earn money helping pastors who are ministering to God. The enemy tried to discourage me concerning the things of my vision and my body became sick of a month. I became completely exhausted as the white blood cells in my body decreased greatly. I was admitted the hospital where doctor told me I would have to stay for a few days to recover. In the middle of the night on the second day, I got down beside my hospital bed and was praying. While praying I had a vision where two divine beings took me to a place where everything was golden in color. Even the trees were golden with golden leaves. Then the two beings disappeared. In that moment I heard a voice saying Haggai, 2:23, "I have chosen you." Then I opened my eyes, thanked God and prayed, "Lord Jesus, you have not forsaken me. Heal me, and I will serve you as you have said." This was on the 20th of December, and I asked the Lord to heal me so I could be home for Christmas day. I was released on Christmas day because the doctor was shocked by the unexplainable change in my white blood cells. From that day I have had good health.

After finishing Bible School, I began working in many areas of ministry. I was spreading the love of God among the people of different denominations, giving clothing to the poor, parentless children, and hopeless widows. We were providing food, teaching and conducting Sunday School according to God's grace. After a few years, the only voice I heard was, "The business you are doing, selling incense, encourages idolatry, so leave it and do my ministry." I left that business and have only been doing ministry since that day.

Our outreach ministry is so we can minister the gospel to people for salvation, and to expand the kingdom of God in new regions. We bring clothes and food to those we minister among. During the Covid epidemic we were able to distribute free medicine to those who were ill.

In 2020 we began construction on a church building with the money we had available. To help raise money and provide for my family I started raising goats and sheep. God blessed our work and we were able to provide in the midst of terrible conditions. We were able to provide food and clothing to many pastors, evangelists, and poor in the community. We saw many areas of expansion for the kingdom of God including having our Bible classes in the church building that year.

One of our greatest outreaches is conducting Bible classes to evangelicals, pastors, and leaders who fellowship with us. Most of the places we go, the people do not know Jesus, so we are able minister the gospel to them and continue disciplining those who receive Jesus as the Lord and Savior. We have 265 pastors, from different parts of the world that fellowship with us to teach free Bible classes. We work to provide free meals and travel expenses for those who attend the classes.

It is unfortunate that we cannot run the classes without money. We are doing all we can to raise the necessary funds each week, but we need help. We can only do with what the Lord is favoring us to have.

Our country has been ruled for the last ten years by anti-Christian leaders who seek funding from other countries for their religious developments, imposing numerous sanctions up Christians and shutting Christian institutions. Our only way of resourcing donations seems to be individual and private organizations willing to send directly to our bank accounts. With hundreds of orphans, widows, and poor living in every, people are being fed along roadsides, by flyovers, and at bus stations. The only ones who show them care is the Christians who take this serious.

We now have 62 small children from different tribes and 34 elderly people we care for. We give them shelter, food, school fees, clothing, and essential needs every month. I am concerned for the increases we are enduring as no one seems to care for the maintaining their family members and the many orphaned children of our society. The poor have little hope outside what the churches help them have. Our vision is to build two schools and housing buildings for the needy.