Jesus Bless Ministries
Human Welfare Center and
Orphanage Home
Repalle, India
I am Pastor K. Vijaya Raju from the coastal area of Allamudi in the Andhra Pradesh of India. We also have a church in Repalle, and Morlavaripalem, inda.
My father's name is Samson and my mother's name is Jayamma. My mother went to church for seven years asking Jesus to give her a least on child. She promised like Hanna (Samuels mother) to give the child for service to the Lord if he would just give her a child. God heard my mother's prayers and I was born. God gave her two more sons and a daughter.

After I finished my 10th level in school I enrolled to Bible College where I completed my Bachelor of Theology degree. After my graduation from college the Lord told me, "My son, serve my name in and around the Repalle." So I went to Repalle that has a population of about 80,000 people, most of which are Hindus. I went to Repalle with one pair of clothes, one bag, and one Bible. My first gospel service was with five people in 1997. Though I experienced many problem in the areas I went into, I continued trusting in Jesus Christ as I kept preaching the good news of God.

I was married in 1999 and we now have three children.

We presently have three branch churches with our main church being in Rapalle. Our work is extensive in each community as we continue building a street ministry, orphanage home, youth ministry, widow's home ministry, Bible College, medical camps, and a ministry installing bore pumps for water.

We hold crusades to increase our outreach into the communities. This was our crusade into Allamudi.

We have been working to complete construction of our building in Allamudi. The work was slow as we trust the Lord for the supplies. Prayers from our people and Bless Ministries has manifested into means and supplies where the work was able to comeplete the construction and start having worship services in the new building.



This was our crusade into Chintallanka

During the hardships of the Covid-19 virus outbreak the churches has suffered and the pastors continue to have difficulty caring for their families. The Jesus Bless Ministries has managed to give assistance to some of the pastors and their families.

If your heart is touched by our expanding ministry to the Indian people in Repalle, Allamudi, and Morlavaripalem, and you would like to help us in our vision, please make a donation by clicking the donate button. My family and I thank you.
Thank you for your kindness.