Classroom Courses
Classroom enrollment is the better option for your ministry education. Open discussion and personal experience with people in a classroom environment is the best way to experience education. It heightens your memory and brings out your abilities while expanding your overall knowledge in the course. The classroom offers you more information and personal guidance through the courses that cannot be gained through online courses.

To Enroll in one of our available schools click on the icon of the school below and select their contact icon to send an email sharing your desire to enroll.
We presently do not have a campus in the United States but we do offer online courses until we are able to develop a campus in the U.S. We have many needs before we can open most of the schools we are developing. We need proper facilities, printing of courses and handbooks, school supplies, and desks. There is so much to do in order to make each school available and open for classes. Please pray about what God would have you do to help us.
We do have campuses in many locations through out the world. Select Locations in the side menu.