Church of Jesus Christ Ministries
Pasarlapudi Badava, India
I am Vara Prasad Vipparthi, a native of Pasarlapudi Badava village, in the Andhra Pradesh District of southern India. I have a wife and three children who work with me as the pastor family of the Church of Jesus Christ Pasarlapudi Badava.

Presently we have two churches with ten co-pastors on our staff. We have been growing daily in knowledge of truth as we are teaching our members we are the temple of God that abides on the living rock, Jesus Christ.

When I was a child I studied in a Christian missionary school. In 1987 I became a worker in that same school. While working there I would attend gospel meetings. One day I went to a revival meeting being held at Visakhapatnam. As the revival preacher was sharing the word of God there was a great spiritual move of God over the people. As I was listening I was plunged into the Holy Ghost. Then by the anointing on the preacher he started saying my name and prophesying over me. He spoke out and said, "Dear brother Vara Prasad, God has chosen you and is going to use you as a mighty weapon in the coming days." The preacher came to me, laid his hands on my head, and he prayed for me. I decided then to do the Lord's ministry.

While trying to think what I should do, suddenly a spiritual wave hit my heart that moved my spirit with a great pressure. The agony that was in my heart vanished and I remembered God's calling. I confessed my disobedience and pour out tears in the presence of the Lord. Then I began developing the Church of Jesus Christ ministry in my village.
For the next few months I neglected God's calling and did nothing to buid myself up in the knowledge of the Lord. I started working on a job that became many problems to me and I had no inner peace. Satan lurked in various corners pulling at me. My spiritual life became lukewarm and my spirit was being quenched. At that time I lost my job, had no food to eat, and my family was starving. To have some money I sold a small section of land that I owned. My friends and relative had left me and I found myself feeling all alone. I was bankrupt and fell into apostasy.

We are often hit with cyclones that cause great devastation. Our last cyclone was Hudud, in October 2014. After the cyclone hit people here are still having much trouble finding proper housing and jobs. The cyclones have left the people in a pitiful state of depression. We minister to this community showing them there is hope in Jesus Christ beyond the storms of life. They are seeing that those who place faith in Jesus are gaining victory over the things that try to destroy us.

We have been proclaiming the good news of God among the pagans. Located near the Bay of Bengal, our village is mostly populated with people who are idolaters and do not know the true and living God. It is our main burden to bring them to Christ through the preaching of the word using our staff of co-pastors. The greater part of our community works as fishermen.

One of my best friends, Pastor S. Jeevan Prasad, in Alamuru, is a partner in ministry with Bless Ministries Mobile USA. He encouraged me to contact them for assistance with our ministry. In December 2017 I sent Bless Ministries an email and we started developing a partnership. Now we have documents establishing us as a ministry and all of our co-pastors are certified and licensed. We have much hope for the people of our communities that the message of Jesus Christ can help them to overcome in life while building better life-styles.

We held a discipleship training conference in January 2021 which was good after being shutdown for so much of the year. Here are some of the events and things that took place.
Discipleship Conference 2021

Pastor's Conference 2023

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We are a strong developing ministry in Pasarlapudi Badava, India.
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Remember to pray for us and thank you for your kindness.