Bless Ministries International Burundi
Bujumbura, Burundi
Hello, I am Timothee Niyonkuru from Bujumbura, Burundi.
When I was born my father was the pastor of the Emmanuel Church here in Burundi. I grew up being in Sunday School and singing in the choir. When the war started in 1993 we went to the Congo where I studied in High School. By this time I was being used as a teacher in Sunday School by my church. Two years later I went to Tanzania and we started the Kanisa la Bibilia Bible Chruch in Collrd. I was made a deacon of this church in 1997. In need of financial means, I returned to the Congo and worked as a school teacher in a secondary school in Aigen until I returned to Burundi in 2006.

When I returned to Burundi I was a representative of the Christian Youth Ministries for two years. Then in 2010 I became the coordinator of the Hannah House of Burundi, a prison ministry that works to educate the church and community in ways to help integrated and facilitate prison ministry to transform prisoners in leadership, social and economic and social development.

Now my family and I work in ministry with children, widows, and street children. I am the Executive Development Coordinator for the Christian Life Assembly Church in Bujumbura. Our pastor is Ncakurivugwa Vincent. We presently have four churches under our leadership.
My daughter Nyishu Scholas
My son Nziza Giscard Gislain
My wife Rukundo Flavie

We carried on several conversations and Pastor Johnny introduced me to his website. I searched the website and discovered this could be an answer for meeting the needs we have to expand our church ministry. I shared all the information with my pastor and we were both amazed with the passion and vision of Bless Ministries Mobile USA. Pastor Vincent sent Bless Ministries a recommendation for me to work through our church and partner with Bless Ministries. On May 9, 2017 we became partners with Bless Ministries and I was made the Executive Director of Bless Ministries International Burundi.

Our vision for Bless Ministries in Burundi is to carry on the same pattern of development by building up churches and ministries in our nation. I am reaching out to churches by meeting with pastors and ministry leaders to share our vision and let each ministry understand how Bless Ministries in Burundi can help them understand the blessings of God more. I share with them how Bless Ministries International is a support for contact and interaction with ministries around the world so they can learn through the different experiences of ministry.

Part of my responsibilities require me to search for better ways to develop and do ministry in our church. In my efforts to find better ways to do ministry I made contact with Pastor Johnny Holland of Bless Ministries Mobile USA through Facebook in January 2017.
We are using the teachings sent to us by Pastor Johnny Holland to help ministry understand these blessings from God. We encourage ministers to study the teachings presented in the Manthano Library, the free online library that is on this website.
We also have a bible college conducted through our ministry.
Here is a link to view: Manthano School of Ministries Burundi

We desire to help ministries throughout Burundi and the nearby nations, to have better worship centers, better education conditions, food to distribute, and good sources of water.

It has become my calling to assist Bless Ministries Mobile USA become a ministry this is transforming the human race by disciplining people in the own languages and cultures to be self-determined, self-directed, and self-funded, so they too can be a blessing to the world.
Enjoy viewing these videos
Ministering to Widows
Worship 1
Worship 2
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