I am Pastor Swaroop Raj who is working with my wife as evangelists to carry out the great commission given unto us by the Lord, among the uncivilized and tribal people in the Khammam district of Telangana state in South India.
New Life Kingdom Ministries
Kallurugudem, India

My father and mother were school teachers who answered the call of God to do the work of His Kingdom. They came to this area fifty-five years ago as the first missionaries to the region. As they went from village to village sharing the gospel, they saw how miserable the lives of the people were and it moved them with compassion. The people were worshiping idols and they did not know anything about the modern world. Because there was no easy ways to travel into the villages the people have been losing their lives due to lack of proper medicine when they become sick. These critical circumstances moved my father and mother to begin giving them medicine, food, clothing and education. Through their preaching they told about the God who had died for the sins of humanity, and their ministry was born.

I grew up in their Christian family as the youngest of six children with two boys and four girls. When I was 5 years old my elder brother went to be with the Lord. While he was studying at the university he went swimming in the river with his friends and unfortunately he died. This was so very painful to my family. Even though we lost our brother, and it brought much pain to my parent's hearts, they never stop doing God’s work. They always would tell us how the Lord is wonderful; about His works, His miracles, and how we have to follow Him and live by faith. We grew up in this family that learned to fear the Lord.

When I was 16 years old, I met with a serious accident. I and my friend were traveling on the road by motor bike when unexpectedly a vehicle hit our bike with much speed. I thought that I was going to die and at same time I shouted very loudly “JESUS”! We went in to the bushes and hit the ground. By the Grace of God we did not have any major injuries; but my right knee was dislocated. When we got back to home, even though I was in much pain, I did not tell to my parents about accident because they already lost their elder son (my brother). That night the Lord began to speak to me saying “My son, I have chosen you, fear not I am always with you". Then He gave me a word from Proverbs 9:11 that says, “For by me your days will be multiplied, and years of life will be added to you”. That night from on my bed, I cried out to God. That night I gave my life to Jesus Christ.
When I got up the next morning I was not able to move my leg because my knee and leg was swollen and in much pain. I called my parents to come help me. I told them what happened and explained how God spoken to me in the night. I asked them to explain the scripture Proverbs 9:11. They said, "The Lord has great plans for your life and He has chosen you to do His work". Those words were greatly encouraging to me. I told my parents that I gave my live to the Lord Jesus Christ in the night and from that day I decided to do the work for the Lord. They were very happy and gave thanks to God for saving me. Then they took me to the hospital for treatment.
After I completed my university I had a plan to go to the Bible College and learn more about Jesus. God open the doors for me to attend the Bible College for three years. I then returned home and within fifteen days, on August 31, 2002 my Father died with a heart attack. Just forty-two days later my mother died from a broken heart. I was shocked with much pain in my heart. I was now alone in my house because all my sisters had already gotten married. In my loneliness I turned to the Bible, especially the book of Job, for encouragement. Even though Job lost everything he stood for God. I realized that though I had lost my earthly parents my Heavenly father is still with me. The entire responsibility of my parent's ministry was put upon my shoulder.

To help me in these responsibilities I decided to marry. God blessed me a beautiful wife who fears the Lord. In a few years God blessed us with two sons: Shantan and Devan. Now they are studying in the 8th and 9th grades. Together, my wife and I with some servants of the Lord, are doing the kingdom work as the Lord has kept it before us.
We are continuing to work among the tribal, idol worshipers, Hindus, and leprous people. We have established four churches by the help and assistance of twenty pastors. The people here are meek and poor so they send their little children to out to work and labor. This was very disturbing which lead us to started a ministry to give children "New Life". By sharing the love of Jesus Christ we started an orphanage home with fifteen children which provides food, shelter and education. Now the Lord has graced us with thirty-four children who receive His love through this home. There are many more children who are starving for the food and care we offer. We continue praying unto the Lord for His grace towards all the children and means by which we can help them.

By teaching some basic skills to the tribal women we are able to help the leprous people and idol worshipers located in the hilly forest areas of the Khammam district, learn how to maintain healthier lifestyles. We provide them with food, medicine and other necessities which the women are learning to use to make better for their families.
Our concern is that even though many of them accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, their poverty is forcing them to continue in sinful deeds like prostitution, drug distribution and other illicit acts. We are praying the Lord will help us as we continue to show all the people how to earn a livelihood in a respectful manner and be the witnesses of Lord Jesus Christ among these unreached people. We seek His help in civilizing these people and offering a bright future for themselves and the children of the next generation.

We are struggling to do much more work for the Kingdom because we have little resources. Whatever I get in my Gospel tours I use for the ministry. I also have a piece of land given to me by my parents which is used to produce ten bags of rice per year, which is enough to feed my family for the whole year. We have been increasingly praying and fasting for ways to assist us and the ministry when the Holy Spirit led a brother to tell me to search the internet for help. In my search I came across the Bless Ministries Mobile USA website. I was so impressed and moved I contacted them. I believe this is God's divine plan for us to be connected as partners in ministry. On July 14, 2017 we received our sponsorship letters and certificates of license from Bless Ministries.

It is our vision to reach one million people with the gospel in India. With help from Bless Ministries Mobile USA we plan to build bible schools for training the many faithful disciples that we are bringing into the Kingdom of God. We will have to construct new churches to meet the growing supply of people. Workers in ministry will be needed to assist in the work of the churches and the unending needs for the children through our orphanage home. We want to build medical facilities to combat the diseases of malaria, dengue, chikungunya, diarrhea and many more health issues our region faces each day. We depend upon the grace of our Lord and Savior to supply us and Bless Ministries with means to help all the tribal people come to understand the many ways we are working to give them a more modern lifestyle for health, happiness, and spiritual renewal with continued growth.

Thank you for looking at our webpage. If your heart was touched by seeing our work in the Kingdom of Heaven would you please help us reach these people who have no hope beyond what we are doing for the tribal people around Kallurugudem, India. Please make a donation by clicking the donate button. When making a donation, please enter "Swaroop" in the notes of the donation form.
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