2900 Dawes Road, Mobile, AL 36695
(251) 633-0033
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This is the home church of Johnny and Ruth Holland, and their daughters, Robin and Amy. Here they are on the front row in a Wednesday night bible study.

Surge Church began as the Living Word Church in 1979 out of a desire to worship God freely and preach the Gospel in an atmosphere of spiritual liberty. After 25 years, the founding Pastors Jerry and Janice Sullivan passed the leadership down to their son and daughter-in-law, Brad and Mary Sullivan, in March of 2015. In April 2019, the church was renamed Surge Church with a positive experience of worship, praise, and bible teachings that is moving the church into its future vision.

This video study is a must see for all young men to step into a successful manhood.

To view the video presentations, click these links:
Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QND2_H_PX64
Please take the time and look at more of Pastor Brad's messages: http://surgechurch.tv/messages