Spiritual Manifestations
A testimony from Pastor K. Vijaya Raju, Bless Ministries Church of Repalle, India.
To see Pastor Vijaya's webpage click: Webpage

On April 14, 2017 Pastor Vijaya Raju contacted us requesting prayer and assistant for their upcoming Gospel Crusade scheduled for April 25-27, 2017 to be held in their city of Repalle. They were expecting around 50 villages to participate with more than 5000 possible peopling attending. We began praying for the Lord to pour out His spirit upon them and to provide them with all their needs.
Before the crusade began the Lord provided for every need. As they ministered the Word of God every night, God poured out His Spirit upon the people and they experienced God's power alive during the three nights. Here is the email we received telling their story:
Saturday, April 29, 2017 12:34 AM
Vijaya Raju< jesusblessingministries.vijaya@gmail.com>
Subject: Glory to JESUS!
Brother Praise the lord. I want to share about the crusades that were held on 24,25,26,27. I thank you because you have prayed for these crusades. These four days we have enjoyed in god. Many people have attended to these crusades. In everything God had provided and helped so much. God had spoken to his people with his miracle words. By hearing God’s word 15 members have decided to take baptism. On the last day many pastors had anointed by Holy Spirit in pastors conference and God had touched the blind, deaf, disability persons. We had seen these miracles in live. God and his miracles are so wonderful. As we all prayed only God had done his miracles in these crusades. Nothing is impossible in prayer and in God. Pray for my ministry to bless. God Bless you.
Pastor K. Vijaya Raju.
[God's Servant]

Praise the Lord for His power through the preached Word!