Firm Faith Church
Burumba, Busia, Kenya

I am Robert Wafula. My family and I are the pastoral family for the Firm Faith Church of Burumba, a small village near Busia in a Western Provence of Kenya.
I was borne 1983 to my mother who was a second wife to my father. In 1990 my father left my mother and I and we were under the care of my step mother. Am a seventh borne of my father and the only child to my mother. I was in school from 1989-2002. This time in my life was difficult with much hardship.

In 2004 I married my beautifully wife Philister. God has blessed us with 4 boys. Our first and second borne are in high school (see picture). The other two boys are in the 4th and 5th grades. We are expecting a fifth child in March 2023.

My wife being a saved woman, continued praying over me day and night because I was a drinker of alcohol, and I did not believe in Jesus Christ. I used to hear her praying for me at night, to stop drinking alcohol. Every Sunday she would invite me to go with her to church. One day God answered her prayer and I decided to go with her. As the minister was preaching I found myself crying. The pastor led me in a repentant prayer and that day in 2005 I began following Jesus as my personal savior.

In 2009 I was appointed as a Sunday School teacher. The church appointed me as a deacon in 2012 and I chose to enroll in a local bible college. I served them as a deacon for five years until I moved away in search of a job. Being unable to find work I went back home.

I spent time praying and seeking the Lord for spiritual direction and God planted a word in my spirit from Acts 26:18. This gave me a desire to preach the Word of God.
In 2018 my family moved to a nearby town and started preaching to some teenagers that we took into our home to live with us. As we started having evening prayers together I began preaching every evening. One Sunday my wife and I decided to have a church service and we invited some people to join us. That morning three people joined our fellowship and we had the birth of our church.

It has been four years now and we have a membership of 67 believers.
We conduct Sunday services and continue growing our youth outreach and elderly ministries.

We spent twenty-seven days in prayer, seeking to connected with a ministry that would help us grow into our destiny, by the will of God. We began seeking the Holy Spirit the partner we could connect with. We were browsing on the internet and came across Bless Ministries of Mobile, Alabama. As we read through the website we were touched with the things this ministry taught and made available for others worldwide. The Holy Spirit helped us to understand Johnny Holland and Bless Ministries was the right servants of the Lord to partner with and help us fulfil the vision we have been given from the Lord.

Our vision is to raise a firm generation of prayerful people unto the Lord, Jesus Christ. We will do this by teaching the word of God in such a way it empowers individuals with skills and education that will transform lives for the kingdom of God. It is our vision to purchase land and build our own church complex. We pray the Lord will favor our work to plant many churches throughout our region using crusades and conference.

I do desire to be a full time minister, but for now I work as in masonry by profession. The day will come that the Lord blesses our ministry for the work we are doing where I can be full time. As we continue to learn from the advantages of partnering with Bless Ministries of Mobile, Alabama, our congregation will grow into a powerful extension into the Body of Christ.

Thank you for looking at our webpage. Please pray for how you might help us in this wonderful work we have been given by the Lord, Jesus Christ. When you donate, please enter "Wafula" in the notes of the donation form.
And please remember to pray for our success to minister the love of God.