Touch Jesus Outreach
Kasese, Uganda

Hello, I am Rich Osborn the pastor of the Touch Jesus Outreach Ministries in Kasese, Uganda, a nation in East Africa. This is my wife Monica. Our ministry is a worldwide evangelist outreach working through the Touch Jesus Outreach Church, our Touch Jesus Outreach School, and our vision to bring the gospel to the nations.

In 2004 my uncle who is a pastor shared with me the good news of Jesus Christ and I was saved. I did join his church but I never took salvation serious because I only related to a thing my family did, not as a personal relationship with God. I continued living a worldly life though I was in church.
During this time I married my wife Monica in 2005. We continued living in a worldly way until January 2006. Monica was pregnant with our first child and she went to visit here sister for an overnight stay. Being home alone, it was around 10:00PM and I heard a big loud voice speaking to me out of the walls of the house. I went to my knees and started praying. The voice spoke with a strong wind that filled the room. Still on my knees praying, I lifted my hands and started praying in a big, loud voice. The next morning I went to the church and found a visiting pastor who told me the Lord has called me and this pastor spoke into my life saying the Lord was going to use me greatly. He instructed me to avoid sin. Right then I realized that this was the Lord who appeared to me. I confessed my sins and received salvation in the church and was baptized.
At the time the Lord called men into ministry, I had my own properties that used for my business and my home. Having no way to pay on these things I lost the property, my business and our home. I decided to stay in the church building, sleeping on papyrus mates, fasting, seeking the Lord, and learning His word for five years. My wife and child stayed with her sister.
In 2007 the Lord spoke to one of the Senior Pastors and his wife of the Full-Gospel Mission and told them to anoint me. As they laid hands on me and were praying the power of the Holy Spirit came upon me and it felt like electricity was passing throughout my body. The Lord spoke through the pastor's wife and told me He would use me to preach the gospel of great miracles, signs and wonders in the same way He used the Prophet Elijah.
In 2008 I was in the church where God had called me from and the Lord spoke to me saying for me to share the gospel by following the preachers in the market places. I started going to the market place and interpreting for the ministers preaching to the people. One day I was given opportunity to preach and the power of God fell upon my life as I started preaching. I was filled with great joy in my heart and a great boldness overcame me. I continued preaching and sharing the gospel in the market places for five years.

It was at this time the Lord told me that I would travel to the nations of the world preaching the gospel. I asked Him how would I do this because I did not know how to speak English. The Lord told me I would do has Jesus and have the ability to speak in English. After two days I went to the church for praying and fasting. While there praying in my local language the power of God overcame me and caught my tongue. I started praying in English though I did not know English. The more I prayed the more the English language increased in me. I was invited to preach at a certain church. On the way to that church the Lord told me, "Today you are going to preach in English." When I arrived at the church I asked for an interpreter, but when I started preaching the power of God came upon me and preached the entire message in English. Since them I have been able to speak the English language clearly.
It was at this time the Lord spoke to me to step out in faith and start an orphanage by getting help from local people who believed in me. As time went on those people failed to continue supporting due to a financial crisis that hit Uganda. We again prayed and the Lord connected us to the Somerset Community Mission in the United States, which supported our orphanage for a long time through Joey Simmons. The time came where his Church leadership decided to put him down and the donation stopped.

We sought the Lord and he connected us to the Climbing For Christ Mission USA founded by Gary Fallsen. His support enabled us to preach the gospel in different unreached areas of the mountains while also helping the orphanage. But time came he also stopped to supporting our ministry also.
In August 2016 the Lord sent me two servants from different churches with a message that it was time for me to open up a church. I shared this with my pastor and he prayed over my wife and I and released us during the Sunday morning services.

At the begining of 2015 the Lord spoke to me to officially wed with my wife Monica, through the Church. The Lord told me He was going to release His glory over me and we neede to do this to fulfilling all righteousness. The church we were attending made a small weeding for us and we were married in Holy matrimony according to God's standards.

Now have three children: Edrine, Prince and Peter.

September 1, 2016 I made contact with Pastor Johnny Holland of Bless Ministries Mobile, Alabama USA for the first time and I was amazed that God was putting in place this ministry that would help us fulfill the things God had told me to do. Pastor Johnny Holland has shared with us how God is working through Bless Ministries to ensure our success.
As we were praying over the name for our new church the Lord gave me the name Revival Fire Church. Our first service was on September 25, 2016. While trying resister the church we had to change the name to Touch Jesus Ourtreach Church and Pastor Johnny Holland as already sent us new document changing our name.

On December 14, 2016 Bless Ministries Mobile USA sponsored us and issued an establishment letter for our each of our three ministries.
Our vision is to use the ministry of our church to fulfill God's purpose in our lives. To minister the gospel of Jesus Christ so that all people can come to understand they can have a personal relationship with Jesus. We are showing the people of Uganda there are different types of ministries being built up under the name of Jesus Christ. The first type comes to steal from people as thieves. The second type comes to do Church business. The third type comes as witch doctors who uses the Bible to build their cultism. The fourth type comes as the true servants of God. We are building up ministry to enlarge the Body of Christ with true disciples in the church.

We continue to improve our orphanage to ensure the total care of all of our children. It is our desire to build the Touch Jesus Orphanage School as a model for all people to care for the orphans of their communities. With the assistance of Bless Ministries Mobile USA we will be able to reach beyond our villages and cities to share our vision around the world.

Please help us by making a donation. Click the donation button and help us. Please enter my name in the notes of the donation form.
Your donate from this page will be sent to us by Bless Ministries Mobile USA.
We need finances for food and other daily needs that will help us continue providing for the orphans, and it will keep us moving forward as we preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and build ministry for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Thank you for your kindness. Please do not forget to pray for us.