Ray of Hope Food Pantry
Russellville, Arkansas

In August 2014 Noel Hubler received his business license to officially open the Ray of Hope Food Pantry in Russellville, Arkansas. This was a long time vision of Noel's to have an independent food pantry that can help anyone needing food in the Russellville community and surrounding areas. After developing and supervising food pantries through local church ministries for years, Noel Hubler saw firsthand the need for having a fully independent pantry that was not held back by organizational stipulations and rhetoric. So in August 2014 Noel was able to finally open his doors to anyone that needed food.

Noel has always understood anyone, no matter your income or your station, could fall into hard times. It is in moments like this he wanted a food pantry that was willing to help anyone that came in the door.

The Ray of Hope Food Pantry collects food and donations by continually bringing focus to the community that the pantry exist. They set up in front of popular stores and community businesses to advertise and communicate the purpose and needs of the pantry.

In February 2016 some military service members along with the Veterans of America hosted the Frozen Foot 5k Run on the Arkansas Tech University campus. The success of the 5k Run better informed the community of the pantry and helped to restock many of the necessary food items.

Presently the Ray of Hope Food Pantry services around 3500 people in the city of Russellville and the surrounding rural areas every month. This demand requires full time service by many people to maintain and stock the pantry. All the staff and volunteers work tirelessly month after month, without pay, to ensure anyone needing food can receive what they need at no charge.
Please consider helping us keep Noel's vision and passion alive.
Pray about what you can do to help the Ray of Hope Food Pantry.
If you donate, please add my our name to the donation form.
Thank you for looking at out page, and God bless you for your help.

Because of the connection Noel Hubler has with Coach David Verdu of Way Beyond Measure, we at Bless Ministries Mobile USA were able to visit with Noel and his staff in October 2017. We viewed the facilities and watched firsthand as the Ray of Hope Food Pantry fulfilled their passion to the Russellville community. We were so moved at the motivation and concern that the pantry has for all people, we had to partner with them to help make a difference.