Bless Ministries Church
Nyarugusu Refugee Camp,
Nyarugusu, Tanzania
I am Ngolo Lwengwa, Pastor for the Bless Ministries Church of Nyarugusu Refugee Camp, in Tanzania. My wife, Vumilia Heri, and I work with our four children as the minister family for a congregation of refugees who have been displaced because of the wars and governmental hardships our people face in the D.R. Congo and Tanzania.

I am from the village of Lusenda in the Fizi Territory of the Democratic Republic Congo. I was born into a pagan family, but my parents pushed their children to join a Sunday worship service for the teaching of God's word. In 1986, I received Jesus as my Savior and I was water baptized on January 16, 1987, at the International Fellowship Church in our village. In 1990 I was elected as the secretary of the church in Uvira, DR Congo, and made head of the youth and choir departments.

A major war broke out in 1996, and the people of the DR Congo scattered to save their lives. We who were believers in Jesus Christ fled to Tanzania and were received as refugees. Our church building was demolished and the vessels used for worship were destroyed.

We managed to reach the Nyaruguse Refugee Camp in Tanzania. We were accepted and settled into our new lifestyle.

The next year, 1997, we began having worship services in the Nyarugusu refugee camp which led to establishing the congregation into a church. I was elected as the general secretary of the church and was ordained by Prophet Peter Sandja.

In 2015 I received a vison from the Lord to start a religious development ministry. In the vision the Lord told me, "I have a reason for telling you to do what I know will happen. As the Lord showed me, in 2016, I formed the apostolic group named Mission Évangélique en Afrique, MEA-Ministries. We were organized under the leadership of the Tanzania International Fellowship Church, (TIFC), led by Pastor Byulenganya Lwitela, and I was the secretary general and founder.
The vision and objectives of MEA Ministries has one major role: to fulfill the commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ as written in Matthew 28:18-20. We carry out this role in the following activities:

Holding bible study in our Center Chrétien Emmanuel for Religious Leaders, (CCE).
Women's self-help group we named Wamama Tusaidiane (Women Helping One Another). It is for women to learn and work in sewing, weaving, embroidering, bread baking, and cultivating vegetables.

Youth empowerment project that we call Youth Forward.
It teaches young people about finances and running a business.

Grace Group. For teaching children and orphans the Christian lifestyle with songs and the Word of God.

Our ministries chose to become churches connected with Bless Ministries Mobile USA so we have endorsed the name for our churches also. We are Bless Ministries Churches in Tanzania.

We have three other church branches in besides the MEA Ministries outreaches.
First Branch: Bless Ministries Church Vil. D1, Tanzania
Pastor: Isaya Michael Bahininwa
Second Branch: Bless Ministries Church of P1, Tanzania
Pastor: Benga Victori Kakimbi
Third Branch: Bless Ministries Church of Zone 10, Tanzania
Pastor: Asupa John