This school is located in the village of Getunwa, Kisii, Kenya. We are working with Pastor Denis Nyamosi and the Getunwa Fellowship Church to establish this school. Things are developing well and we hope to announce the opening day for our school very soon.

The school staff will be:
President: Denis Nyamosi
Administrator: Veronicah Moraa Obonyo
Instructor: Peter Nyakweba
Instructor: Onenga Boera
If you are interested in enrolling in the school, please contact them by email: dennisnyamosi@yahoo.com
The teaching staff will be volunteering their time to ensure the school has a good start. There are many expenses when opening a new school. Please pray about what the Lord would have you do to help. Pray about becoming a sponsor to our school monthly. When you donate, please enter "MSM Getunwa" in the notes of the donation form. God bless you and thank you for looking at our page.