Empower Single Mother's Home
Mwamogesa, Kisii Town, Kenya

I am Leonidah Nyaboke, the director of the Empower Single Mother's Home located in Mwamogesa, Kisii Town, Kenya. We supply temporary housing and protection for mothers facing tragic hardships due to homelessness and physical abuses.
I am the third born in my family of six (three girls and three boy) children. I was married at the age of twenty-four and had my daughter by the time we were married one year. My marriage had many issues that made it impossible for us to stay together so we separated after a year of marriage. I returned home with my daughter to live with my parents. My older brother started abusing me so I took my daughter and went to live with my older sister. We worked together in her small business until I was able to start working in another job.
After a year, I started dating another man that led to marriage. We were blessed with another daughter and this man decided to go live on his own. He left me with my daughter and his five month old daughter. I was not able to find a job to care for us for a year when I got a contract job where I worked as the chief business officer. This job enabled me to start a small business that continues to help me and other single mothers earn a living.
I was seeing single mothers just like me, suffering from their situations in life and I wanted to do something that would make a difference. I set aside some of the money I was making and gave startup money to three single mothers so they could build their own small business. I mentored them and paid their rent while they were building their business and caring for their children. This has become a successful ministry that is truly making a difference for women that have no hope and have given up.
I teach the women how to eradicated gender based violence from their lives as I mentor single mothers to achieve their goals in life. Their small businesses are growing into means for financial hope to their families. Here are some of the single mothers and their children we are presently assisting.

Through a friend we learned of Bless Ministries Mobile USA. I made contact with them and they have partnered with us to have better exposure for this life-changing ministry helping women and their children that had no hope or direction.
Bless Ministries is helping us to eventually rent a facility where we can bring the women and children we into a save living environment while they grow their businesses. Having them live together in the same facility will enhance their physical, emotional, and spiritual conditions as they rely on each other for support. The HOME will allow them to grow as a united family of believers in Christ, as they continue to grow emotionally and spiritually.

The costs for building this type program are extreme, but we have been encourage by being connected to Bless Ministries Mobile USA, that God is on our side, and He has will eventually meet all of our needs.
We are taking this one step at a time, praying and seek the Lord for direction and guidance that will make a difference for many single mothers and their children. We are grateful for the opportunity to have this webpage so people are able to see what we are doing and pray for ways to help us. Pastor Johnny Holland of Bless Ministries has taught us our prayers move things in the spirit realm to manifest things in the physical realm. When we pray, the words we speak move in the power of the Holy Spirit to bring results. This is why we continue to pray and ask people everywhere to pray for us, that the Lord will manifest the things we need. We pray with thankful hearts for the favor we are receiving through this website, and we pray you will receive guidance from the Holy Spirit for ways you can help us.
Please contact us with your ideas to help this work succeed, and assist us to make those ideas a reality. Pray about what the Lord will have you do to help us.
If you are moved to send a donation, please enter "Leonidah" in the donation form when you click the donate button.
Please forgive that we do not have many pictures on this webpage. We keep from posting too many pictures for the safety of the families we are assisting.
May the Lord bless you for your kindness..