Neem Mosobeti Christ Faith Fellowship
Gesera Village, Kerera, Kenya

I am Josphat Mikae Isoe, the pastor of Neem Neem Mosobeti Christ Faith Fellowship in the Gesere Village of Kerera, Kenya. We are a young independent Christian fellowship that started out of our desire to study the holy Word of God, and wanting to share what we study by preaching to the needy and poor in our community.
I was raised in a Christian home by Catholic parents taught us how to live a godly life as a young child. As I grew in stature, and knowledge of who God is, He gave me opportunities to be for bold for Him. While in secondary school, my best friend and I gave up our lunch time so we could build a bible club. This was the only time the school would allow us to have the club. God was good to us for being faithful to His word and the bible club was a good success. The picture is my family with my parents.

In 2012 my wife Vellah and I were in our capital city of Nairobi where we heard a missionary from Norway preaching in the city center. When we got close enough to hear what he was saying, he was preaching from Matthew 22:14, "for many are called, but few are chosen." We were so inspired about this man's message it changed our hearts and we asked the Lord to allow us to start teaching and preaching.

I was searching on the internet and came across Bless Ministries of Mobile, Alabama. After looking at the message this ministry projected I send an email requesting partnership with them. Pastor Johnny Holland not only encouraged us to become partners, he encouraged us to establish our fellowship into an established church. My wife and I are not the new pastors of the Neem Mosobeti Bless Fellowship Center.
The Lord gave us a very clear call about His work after our visit to Nairobi. My wife felt the call to do ministry so we decided to move back to our home village and start sharing what we were learning from the bible to the people of Gesere Village. At first we shared with our family and friends, but before long we were conducting bible studies in our community. These small groups encouraged us to reach out and start visiting the aged, widows, physically and mentally disabled people, orphans and needy children. I had a strong desire to plant a Christian fellowship and serve them by ministering to their needs. My wife heard the Lord when she was praying about a fellowship, "You have to pray to plant His holy church." We were not sure what to look for or how to proceed, but we were excited about this opportunity. It is our passion to shepherd, teach, guide, and serve others in the Lord's ministry.

We are using the training presented from the Bless Ministries website, and we have a great opportunity to take our fellowship into greater bible understanding as we train from the things made available to us. We have a bright future as continue to build and grow. From the time we started in 2013 until now we have 83 members. As we continue sharing the gospel and disciple those who are saved, we are trusting the Lord, Jesus Christ, for greater opportunities through Bless Ministries.

Here is our staff: Josephine Nyaboke, Pastor Josphat Isoe, Jailus Mogaka, Tom Matureti, and John Nyakegita.

My primary focus for our ministry is pastoral and leadership. We will train our pastoral and leadership teams using the Word of God and the training tools provided by Bless Ministries. We have a desire to train many groups throughout our local communities of the ways to grow a church and continue sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are growing chickens as means to help with the living expenses and additional funds for the ministry. We use the eggs and raise more hens for a better food supply. We will expand into more industrious means as we are better able.

We have many people that are in great need for healing in their body and encouragement that life can be better in Jesus Christ. We work to show how the favor of God in one's life can build up hope to overcome in the stuggles of life. Remember these in your prayers and please seek the Lord for what you can do help these.
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Would you please pray how you might help us and let the Holy Spirit guide you as you continue praying for us?
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