Sea Coast Gospel Ministry
Likhitapudi, West Godavari, India

My name is John Namavarapu. I am the pastor of the Sea Coast Gospel Ministry located in Likhitapudi, West Godavari, India. The ministry is a platform for networking pastors and churches to give Christian compassion and social services in the remote and unreached areas of our region. We distribute gospel tracts and Christian information at railway stations, bus stations, and towns and villages that promote our worship services and Sunday Schools. Then we serve the poor, orphans, and widows by providing them with food and other necessities for life.

We have 105 co-pastors working with us that has united churches to proclaim the gospel from village to village. We see many accept Jesus as their Savior and witness many miracles among the people at the hand of our services. We are not receiving any regular support to help us in this great endeavor, but we are encouraged that what we do is making a massive difference in the lives of our people. We believe that the Lord will continue using us to bring spiritual freedom to the masses, and He will make our provisions according to His good pleasure.


I am a second-generation minister born to Rev. NV. Ratnam and Kanthamma. My father was a servant of God for 32 years when he went to sleep in the Lord. He was successful in proclaiming the Gospel in many of the villages in our region. He was successful in proclaiming the Gospel in many of the villages in our region. Then he spent much teaching those who believed. He had a heart for the youngsters who came to Christ and conducted youth meetings everywhere he went for the younger generations. I am one of the youths that is a direct product of his unique work.

I am the second child born to my parents, who were blessed to have eight children. We have all grown and are married with our own children now, and all of our families are remarkable servants of the Lord.

Under my father's ministry, I was called to the Lord's service. The Lord anointed me and placed me in my father's place. I was fortunate to be trained in biblical knowledge by my father before called to glory. I am now the director of his ministry, and I carry on my father's legacy. By God's grace, we have established this ministry under the name Sea Coast Gospel Ministry, and it has only been one year since my father went to glory.

I was married to my beautiful and understanding wife in 1983. My wife's family was idol worshippers, but after sharing the gospel with them, they all accepted the Lord as their Savior. My wife is now a good servant of God and a partner with me in our ministry.
Besides the active social service ministry, we have a service for the poor and orphaned children in our communities named the House of Joy. The Lord provided us this ministry out of our desire to save and protect the needy children and pastors that we want to reach. They face many calamities and difficulties in our culture, which we do our best to address. We are building a new facility for the House of Joy Orphan Home. Please help us by donating to this great project. There is much more to do from plaster work, doors, windows, and furnishings. Please help us today!

Our goals as a ministry are simple.
We want to support and assist the impoverished children and pastors in our region.
We want to build up the churches and people of the needy villages and have buildings for their churches to meet in.
Continue building our network of churches with training and provisions to be successful for the kingdom of God.

New Construction
We started raising money to build a new church building. The top floor will be for the church and worship and the bottom floor will be used to house orphans and widows. We were able to finished the foundation with funds that were raised by the church and friends that support our ministry. The foundation cost 315,000 Indian rupees which is $4,247 US dollars. To finish the building we need another 250,000 rupees which is $3,371 US dollars. Please pray for how you can help us with this need. Let the Holy Spirit direct you and follow His will.


Thank you for looking through our webpage.
Please pray for what the Lord would have you do to assist us.
If you could be so kind as to donate, we will surely use your faith seed to build up the kingdom of God in this part of the world.
When you donate, please enter my name in the notes of the donation form.
Most of all, remember to pray for us.
Thank you so very much.