Grace Reformed Mission Church
Amadeo, Cavite, Philippines
I am Joel Cedro Ruiz, a follower of Jesus Christ and seek to honor Him with my life as I carry out His mandate to make disciples and serve others. I do this as I depend on and trust in Him. My desire is to radiate His character through my life so that He might receive glory.

I was blessed to grow up with parents that taught us biblical values. They loved God and showed us how to love one another. I heard the Gospel at church and received Christ as my savior at the age of 12. During my teen years I continued to grow in the Lord through his Word and Biblical discipleship. This lead me to surrender to the call of the ministry. After completing Biblical studies I pursued a mission based para-church organization and follow after my vision has to plant more churches for the kingdom of God.

As I began my ministry I was marred to my wife (Leonor) who also has a passion for church planting and establishing churches. We have a deep desire to touch the lives of many individual through nurturing and personal discipleship. We have one daughter named Yancey Ruiz who is committed to the ministry also.
We have worked in a variety of ministry roles for 30 years, planting churches, teaching in Christian schools, and promoting curriculums for biblical training. On June 15, 2020 we began working on a new effort planting a church the city of Amadeo, Philippines. Amadeo is a 4th class municipality in the province of Cavite. According to the 2020 census, it has a population of 41,901 people. Named after King Amadeo I of Spain, the town is best known for its Pahimis Festival, which showcases the town's coffee industry.

The Grace Tutorial Center ( free academic tutorial grade 1 to grade 12).
The tutorial ministry supports the educational development of students from grades 1-12.
Our objectives are to:
Establish a good working relationship with the students.
Improve students' thinking and listening skills.
Encourage students to have respect for God, themselves and other people.
Establish rules of conduct and encourage good behavior.
Motivate students to organize materials and develop good study habits.
Mission Statement:
Our mission as "Bible Believing, Christ Centered and Spirit Led" tutors is to help our children improve their performance in Grammar, Reading, Writing and Mathematics. We strive to help the students develop skills to problem solve, think independently, improve their grades and test scores, build self-confidence and self-esteem and to always acknowledge the Creator, God.

Mission of Grace Feeding Program
The goal of the Mission’s Feeding Program is to provide a daily meal for students while attending school. For some of the children, this is the only meal they receive per day. We are acutely aware that education is the key to rising out of poverty, but these children need food order to function in the classroom. If your primary thought all day is how and or when you will eat food, that defeats the purpose of sitting a child in a classroom with the intentions of learning.
Malnutrition is prevalent in the barrios (Spanish-speaking district). This leads to inadequate calories being consumed and vitamin and mineral deficiency which can result in impairments in mental function, and inadequate growth patterns. A malnourished child is also more prone to disease.
Grace Mission Bible Giveaway
Everyone should know the love of God. Every heart should experience the depth of Christ’s mercy. But how will they learn about these things without God’s Word? Without Bibles millions will never know the Way of Life. Our goal through the Grace Mission Bible Giveaway program is that men, women, and children in the Cavite Province will discover the glorious message of God’s love for them by and give them a bible to help them learn more about Jesus.
“ . . . that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.” John 17:23.

Grace Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen
In this last quarter we have been able to feed hundreds of needy families in our area through our food distribution and soup kitchen. This coming year we would like to continue to give back to our local community by reaching many of families in our local community who continue to struggle in the current economy. It is our goal to expand our food pantry and ultimately, install a high grade kitchen for cooking more. We believed that if we can begin cooking on a regular basis we can reach local families in need daily as we introduce the love of Christ to countless of new people.
Grace Ministry Transport Service
It is our Goal to expand our youth program and offer a wealth of new activities in the coming year to help children and teenagers better understand and grow in the love of Christ. To help maintain these our expanding efforts it is our goal to purchase a new van for transporting our children safely from activity to activity. We believe that if we can secure safe transportation, we can broaden our children’s horizons through future retreats and volunteer opportunities. As they watch their parents give back to one another, we’d like to open the doors for our children to do the same in the community.

Sunday School and Kids Play Pen
Sunday schools offer children of different age groups opportunity to meet and socialize. As they socialize they build friendships among themselves. Socializing enables children to practice the things they are being taught in the Sunday School. Things like loving one another, being truthful, and being your brother's or sister's keeper. This is just a few reasons why Sunday school is important. When your little ones go to Sunday school, they will find the age-appropriate Bible teaching their young minds are so eager to absorb. Their teachers can shape the lessons to meet the comprehension level and interest of any age.
Grace Youth Center
The youth center is working with character development and ethical enrichment activities; mentoring activities, including one-to-one relationship building and tutoring.
The community youth centers and clubs has after school hours, weekends, and summer programs that includes camps. The center concentrates on sports, recreation, and other activities promoting physical fitness and teamwork.

Thank you for looking through our webpage.
Our future is bright and our hope is strong because we have the message of Jesus Christ. Please pray about ways you can help us reach our goals to continue reaching the Philippine people. When you donate, please enter my name in the notes of the donation form. Most of all remember to pray for us.

My wife's sister Caroline M. Penaflor and her son Lemuel James M. Penaflor work with us in the ministry also. She is seen here (front right) and James is the young man standing behind us.