Fundamental Baptist Church
Nyamarambe, Kisii County, Kenya

I am Joseph Arori. My wife, Beatrice and I are the pastor family of the Fundamental Baptist Church of Nyamarambe, in Kisii County, Kenya.

I was 15 years old when I heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and was saved on Christmas day in 1984. Out of my desire to learn more in the Word of God, I enrolled in a bible college in Machakos in 1991. I received my diploma in Bible Studies in 1993. I wanted to further my bible education so in 2001 I enrolled in another school in Karatina, Kenya, where I received diplomas in pastoral theology, biblical counseling, and bible teaching. When if finished my bible training I started winning souls by having bible studies, house to house. As more people attended these studies, it was decided to form into a local Baptist church. On July 23, 2003 we formally established the Fundamental Baptist Church in Nyamarame, Kisii, Kenya.

We started reaching out to our community by sharing the gospel house to house according to Matthew 28:18-20. Out of a passion for the Word of God, our hearts were burning to continually share the gospel. This has worked in our hearts where we were able to take hold of a power that moves us beyond any ordinary human activity. We are now able to have favor with the people of our community as we give place to the teachings in the Word of God.

According to James 2:14-17, we have captured the desire to caring for the widows and orphans in our local villages. Because there are so many orphans and widows that are being ignored, we work with the power of the Holy Spirit, as we reach out to these forgotten souls. Our Fundamental Baptist Orphan's and Widow's Care Center has become a special place where those living in despair and hopelessness are seeing there is hope in Jesus Christ. Our Community Based Origination [CBO] program has taken on 25 orphans who live with us, and others who live with families of our church membership. The basic needs are being met by the homes they live in and we give them a loving environment they had not received before.

Though some of their basic needs are met, the CBO operations remain in great need because the demand for these children are so great. Then there is the need for the widows and elderly.
It is our mission to assist these people to:
Find true purpose and meaning in their lives.
Develop a deep personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Establish a support system by building new avenues of Christian Service.
Continually developing training for an increased knowledge of leadership.
Seek sponsors for every child under our care.

Thank you for looking at our ministry.
Please pray for us concerning all our work for the Kingdom of God.
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