House of Prayer Ministries Alamauru, India

I am Bishop Sunkara Jeevan Prasad from Alamauru, India.
I come from a good family of servants to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My uncle is Philip Kumar who is pastor of the Bless Ministries Church in Vadapalli, India. His brother is Bobbanapali Naveen Kumar the pastor of the Bless Ministries Church of Kanuru-Nduplalli, India. You can see their webpages under the same website.

Philip Kumar
Naveen Kumar

When I was six years old I became ill almost unto death. My father, who was an idol worshiper, received advice from a pastor in our village to pray to the Lord Jesus for my life to be spared and my body to be healed. The Lord heard my father's prayer and I was healed of my sickness. Realizing that Jesus was truth, my father trusted that Jesus was the Lord. Out of sincere gratitude for what the Lord had done for me, my father committed my life to became a servant of Jesus Christ also.
I was named Jeevan Prasad because it means "the man who was given life by the Lord." When I was eighteen years old my father told me about his promise for me to be a servant for the Jesus Christ. I took this promise so seriously I prayed and fasted for three days. During this time I heard the Lord's voice tell me to read Proverbs 1:7. Right then I determined in myself to honor my father's word and the Word of God. I asked my father to baptize me in the river Godavari which is adjacent to our village. Later he baptized me and I joined the Bible College to gain training and wisdom of the things of God. Once I finished my training, instantly I began to a ministry in Alamauru where the Lord showed me.

I named the ministry the House of Prayer Ministries according to the vision given to me by the Lord. In Isaiah 56:7 and Matthew 21:13 God said his temple shall be called the House of Prayer.

Our work with the tribal areas is bringing people to Jesus Christ and they are excited to be baptized as a statement of their faith.

Because the Bible says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish" [Proverbs 29:18], I am willing to care for believers, widows, older people, young people, and children. It is my desire to help them become stable in the Word of God and in His will.

We have twenty ministers and pastors that are reaching into the interior tribal areas of our state that we might bring the maximum amount of souls into Jesus Christ. Because there are millions of unreached people in India and many of them are idol worshipers, we continue to progress further and further into our society with the gospel.
I was doing a Goggle search and I made contact with Bless Ministries Mobile USA. We started our process of becoming a partner in ministry in January 2017. We are following the guidance and leadership of Pastor Johnny Holland to become more aware of ways we can continue to reach into the interior tribal areas.

In April 2018 we had a live video chat with Pastor Johnny Holland who shared blessings from the Word of God and prayed for our ministers. We handed out certificates of license from Bless Ministries for each minister and I introduced them individually to Pastor Johnny. It was a special event.

On November 26, 2022 Pastor Jeevan Prasad was consecrated as a Bishop in the Andhra Pradesh Pastor's Fellowship. This prestigious appointment was given to Pastor Jeevan by the ordination council for his high moral character, sound doctrinal teaching, and leadership qualities shown in ministry.

Because we have no other resources to raise funds other than offerings for those we minister to, it becomes necessary for us to raise up supporters that will help us build our vision. Thank you for looking at this webpage. Would you please pray about giving this wonderful ministry a donation. This is good ground for planting your financial seed into. Click the donate button and be a part of the House of Prayer Ministries in Alamauru, India. Please help us reach the many people in India who need to know more about Jesus Christ. When you donate, please enter "Jeevan" in the notes of the donation form.
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