Projects for
Bless Ministries Church Philippines
Tagum City, Philippines
Jadol Bibles
Pastors Joe and Hermogena Jadol have set a goal to give every new convert a bible in the Filipino language during 2022. They have set a goal to purchase 500 bibles in 2022 so they have enough bibles to distribute throughout the five churches under their ministry, as people are saved and added to their church congregations. It has always been their vision to ensure every member of their churches has a bible in their language to enjoy reading the word of God at home and studying with the congregation as they sit under the preaching of the Word of God. It cost them $10.50 USD to purchase a bible. 500 bibles would be $5,250 USD. Please pray for this need to see what the Lord would have you do to help these Filipino congregations provide bibles for those being saved. Be the first to help us reach our goal.

Project Goal: $5,250 USD Received: $0.00 Completed: 0%

Building Project
In the past few years storms have destroyed the rented buildings the church was using for their worship center and education facilities. Even the house being rented for the pastor's family was destroyed in last year's rainy season. Because the church has faced the problems that come from renting sustainable facilities the ministry has purchased land and is building permanent structures for the worship center and a parsonage for the pastor's family to live in. There has been good progress toward the building project but much more needs to be done before the facilities can be used and the church is debt free.
Balance on the land - $3750 USD
Materials for the Worship Center and Parsonage - $3530 USD
The total we need to own the land and finish building is - $7280 USD

Please pray for this project and pray for ways you can help us complete this great need for our ministry. Be the first to donate toward this goal.
Project Goal: $7280 USD Received: $0.00 Completed: 0%

Manthano School of Ministries Project
One of the best ways to train people for the work of ministry is for a church to develop a Bible College. The Bless Ministries Chruch Philippines desires to start holding classes through the Manthano School of Ministries but they do not have any qualified people to do the teaching. An answer for this need is the President of MSM, Johnny Holland, has agreed to hold virtual classes for students that enroll in the Filipino school. To establish this virtual classroom this project is being posted.
The necessary equipment and fees for setup is a total of $4,440:
1) Wide screen flat TV is about $1700 (Sharp Brand).
2) Laptop Computer with printer is about $ 1250 (Dell Brand).
3) Internet installation is about $470.
4) Internet monthly fee is about $85 x 12 = $1020 for the first year.
Please pray for this project and let the Lord show you how you can help us in this great need. Be the first to help us reach this goal.

Project Goal: $4,440 USD Received: $0.00 Completed: 0%