Bless Ministries Church
Riagongera, Kisii, Kenya
I am Isaac Ogetii, the pastor of the Bless Ministries Church of Riagongera in Ogembo City, Kenya. My wife, Mercylie Ondimu, and our four children work together ministering to the people of the Gucha sub-county in the Kisii county, caring for the vulnerable children and congregation left under our care by the Lord, Jesus Christ.

I received Jesus as my savior when I attended a crusade in the market place near my village. The speaker was telling about receiving salvation by grace through placing faith in Jesus Christ. He invited anyone that wanted Jesus to be their personal Savior and Lord, to come forward. I stepped forward and accepted Jesus into my heart.

I started attending worship in the nearest church to my home, but it was not long before the church closed. The pastor received too much pressure from the people of the area because of their many gods and they were involved with the occult and other cults. No one knew what to do so they closed the church.
My wife and I wanted to do something so we started a bible study group in our house. We invited our friends and people we knew, and our number increased. In 2019 we decided to turn the study group into a church and I was made the pastor. We named the church the Living Water Fellowship.

Most of the people in our village are illiterate and very poor. Some do small scale forming but many make money brewing illicit alcohol drink. Children are not able to attend school because there is no money to afford the fees. The young men do not marry nor do they do anything to earn a living. Sexual immorality is high that causes people to contract aids and dye at young ages. This leaves many children homeless and without families. We currently care for fifteen orphans that live with us in our home.
Our living conditions leave us without electricity, no means for communication or transportation. Our greatest need is getting clean water. People have to travel long distances to fetch clean water. Most people do not have well-built latrines which makes the health hazards even worse.

Our church leaders are as follows:
Pastor: Isaac Ogetii
Elders: John Ososo and James Ogao
Deacons: Reuben Bosire and Benard Oyaro
Youth Leader: Gabriel Bahati
Women's Leader: Divinah Nyanchera
Secretary: Joseph Momanyi
Treasurer: Nelson Ogega
It is our vision to fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ by having Bible study twice a week so we can equip our people with the knowledge of God. We have divided our members into two prayer groups that meet in member's homes to read verses and pray together. We do house to house evangelism even though we are challenged with providing Bibles to those who accept Jesus Christ. We pray the Lord will make a way to provide bibles for all of our members. We also do crusades at road junctions and market places. This has been a challenge because we do not have an adequate sound system without hiring one for the events. We thank God for being faithful to help us in this need. We do have a plan to build a permanent church building and orphanage in the future, when the land and funds are available.

It is our goal is to teach people to take their kids to school to enable them to learn how to read and write. This will enable them to secure good jobs for the betterment of their future and the community. We also plan to build an orphanage school and technical institution for the youth and adults. They can learn skills to become self-sustaining and improve their standard of living.
We encourage people to work with their own hands to earn a living after accepting Jesus because God doesn't encourage laziness. The Apostle Paul was a tent maker and would not burden the churches whom he ministered to. We encouraging people to do small scale businesses, farming, dairy and chicken farming.

We are trusting the Lord for His favor with the international communities in order to achieve our goals. Connecting with Bless Ministries of Mobile Alabama is a start for helping us reach this vision. Here are some of our leaders holding their certificates issued by Bless Ministries Mobile USA.

Left to right: Pastor Isaac Ogetii, John Ndege Momanyi, Ruben Bosire, James Ogao, Benard Onwong'a Monuti.
Preaching the gospel is changing our community for a better future. People are accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and become responsible individuals that are accountable to the community. There has been a reduction in local crimes and children are now going to school. As the church learns to give tithes and offerings, we are better able to get food and other necessary items to families, and they see the love of God first hand.
It is our vision to invite professionals to come teach our people ways to build up our local communities. Business professionals can teach mall business for growing our local economy. Dairy and chicken farmers can help our people learn ways to raise vegetables and poultry. Professionals from rehabilitation centers will teach the pitfalls of alcohol and illegal drugs. These professionals will help us to improve our health as we become a better community of law abiding citizens.

Please pray of us concerning our work here in Kenya.
Pray for what the Lord would have you do to helps.
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