Healing Baptist Zone Association
Kisii, Kenya

In 2017 the Healing Baptist Zone of Kisii, Kenya, of the Southern Baptist Association combined churches due to the struggles of the individual churches. This left the association with four churches in the Healing Baptist Zone Association. I am George Morara Manani, the Healing Baptist Zone Association chairman and Pastor of the Genga Baptist Church in Genga, Kenya.
On January 1, 1973, I was born to Richard Oyunge and Mary Moraa Manani, in Kericho County. They rarely took us to church, but my sister joined a Pentecostal Assembly of God church, where she became a choir member. Our parents were reluctant about her participation with this church, but she remained faithful to attend. Later I joined the church with my sister.

My father left us when I was young and did not return until after I started attending school in Jericho. When I was in the 6th primary level, our parents forced us to transfer to a Roman Catholic school that required us to be members of their church. I joined some of the youth in the school that did not know taking drugs was a sin. I was overcome with drunkenness from the use of drugs. Even my parents became involved with this lifestyle because it was a way to earn a living. My father's drunkenness was so bad I stayed in the forest to avoid his harsh ways when he was drunk.

By the time I was in my secondary school level in 1986, I had become heavily involved with drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol. I never thought of this being a problem until 1989 I was suspended from school for overindulgence of drinking. I stayed at home and did not go to school for two years.
One day I met a pastor from a full gospel ministry who explained the goodness of abstaining from drug abuse and how it would better my life. This encouraged me to return to school in 1993 and complete my secondary level. The community was so inspired by my high grades fundraisers were held to support me going to college. I did not use the money to enroll in college, but I started living a luxurious life of drunkenness and bad behavior. After all the money was gone, I went to work as a security guard earning $13 per month. I continued drinking and using illegal drugs. I was now 27 years old, and I married a sugar mummy that was 54 years old. My brothers forced me to separate from the sugar mummy.

Due to drinking a stupor wine we call kumi kumi (10 10) in Swahili, I started having problems with my eyes. Many people have died from drinking this wine. I was taken to the hospital because I was losing my eyesight. They declared me legally blind. I can see enough to write and read if I hold things close to my face. My sight has become so complicated I have been using a walking stick since 2003 for safety when I walk. A local pastor reached out to me and led me into salvation. I thought it was all a joke that he saved me at that time.

To make a living, I trained in shoe repair using soap stones. I did not make much as a shoe repairer, but I connected with a lady who helped people with disabilities obtain food. She brought me food to assist me because I was blind.

In 2006 I heard a pastor from the Baptist ministry preaching, which changed my life. His messages gave me hope and planted a desire in me to work for the kingdom of God. He preached from Matthew 11:28-30. I confessed my sins and received Jesus Christ as my Savior. I joined the local church and was baptized.
I started serving in that local church until 2010, when I enrolled in the bible college. I graduated in evangelism and discipleship in 2012 and was appointed as the pastor of Omwari Baptist Church in Omwari that same year. In 2017 I earned my second degree 2018.

The oldest church in or Association is the Omwari Baptist Church in Omwari, Kenya, established in 1999. Charles Omboga is the pastor and the vice-chairman of the Healing Baptist Zone Association. Pastor Omboga works as a brick maker to support his family.
I am now the pastor of the Genga Baptist Church, which we started in April 2018 after purchasing the land and making a shed for worship. We are now praying to the Lord to raise more funds to build a better structure for our worship center. I continue working as a shoe repairer and stone carver to support my family. Because I am blind, my wife assists our income by managing our small piece of land for farming.

The Nyankororo Baptist Church of Nyankororo, Kenya, was established in 2019 and is pastored by Benard Orina. Pastor Orina works as a carpenter to support his family.

I was introduced to Bless Ministries Mobile USA through Pastor Elijah Ombiro in 2019. Pastor Ombiro worked in the discipleship department of the Kisii County Baptist Association. We have chosen to partner with Bless Ministries Mobile USA in faith that God will use this partnership to advance all of our churches as we build the Healing Baptist Zone Association vision.

We also have a Manthano School of Ministries bible college being conducted through our ministry here in Gusii.
Here is a link to our school webpage:

Our vision is to reach as many souls as possible, teaching the message of Matthew 28:18-20. We are targeting less privileged people like orphanage children, widows, and windowed by teaching them the Christian lifestyle according to the Word of God. Our churches pull their financial support together to aid each other in achieving their individual goals.
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Please pray with us and stand in faith for how the Lord would have you help us fulfill our vision to reach the unreachable and forgotten in our communities. When you donate, please enter "George Manani" in the notes of the donation form.
God bless you for your prayers and kindness to our ministry.