Motonto House of Believers
Motonto, Kisii, Kenya

I am Pastor Geoffrey Masese from Kisii Kenya. My wife, Edinah Nyaboke, and I pastor the Motonto House of Believers located in Motonto, Kisii, Kenya. We also have a branch church in Endereti, Kisii, Kenya. We are blessed to have a son, Alvin Onchera.
I was born into a Roman Catholic family in 1994, but they did not keep them for doing all manner of things after church each week.

When I was 20 years old I married my wife who was already saved by faith in Jesus Christ. My wife got me to follow her to a crusade at here family church. The man that was ministering read from Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned.. . . " I had always thought salvation was for the aged, but that day, as the pastor called for those that had not received jesus, my wife asked me if I would move forward for prayer since she knew that I was not saved. I did not want to go forward and I stood there watching as some people were healed of their sickness and others received Jesus as their savior. I went home without any change in my life.

Edinah kept praying from me and I was disturbed when I heard her praying in the house. In March 2016 we were blessed with a child and I became very sick. I was admitted in the hospital and told I was going to die. Flashbacks ran through my mind of all the challenges I faced before I got married. My grass hut was burned at night by unknow people while I was sleeping inside. Thank God the neighbors were able to free me from the fire. Other times I lived with no shelter due to poverty and Iived homeless for some time. This caused me to look all hope. As I lay in the hospital expecting to die, I asked my wife if she would call for any pastor to pray for me. I said, "If I am going to die, I want to die in God." Before my wife could leave to find a pastor, a certain pastor was passing through the hospital ward praying for the patients. I shouted out, "Please pray for me." He came right away and sat on the bed. The pastor began interrogating me, but I was too weak to answer him. He began praying for me, and as he held my hand I began felling stronger, healed, and restored. I told the pastor what was happening and he said it was not him, but God who has done this thing for me. The pastor went on to tell me how loving and caring Jesus is. He shared with me Psalm 103:3, "He forgives all my sins and heals all my disease." The pastor prayed for me, then he left. That night I was convicted to follow the one who had healed me without consulting with anyone else.

After I was discharged from the hospital, I decided to work for Jesus Christ. I joined with my wife and trusted the way she was advising me to follow Christ. We started going from door to door spreading the gospel in our community. Those who were being saved asked if I could find a place where they could gather with me. One of the people in this group decided to use one of their properties as a temporal place where we could gather and pray for each other. We named the gathering the Motonto Home of Believers. We now have 115 followers. Motonto is the name of our village located in Kisii, Kenya.

The Motonto Home of Believers is an independent church that is totally committed to the Lord Jesus Christ. We stand on the Word of God without compromise or contradiction. WE believe the Bible is the inspired and only infallible word of God. The redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross, provides healing for the human body as answers to believing prayers.

One of our greatest challenges is only having three bibles in our native language. We are working to open training centers for teaching pastors, teachers, church workers, evangelists, and all of our leaders by hold crusades and outside meetings.
Our evangelism program is our strongest work that has recently began to open doors of possibilities by showing people how to generate ministry using the congregation, schools, hospitals, and the local community.

One day I came across the Bless Ministries of Mobile website. After prayerfully reading and studying the webpages, I was spiritually charged and moved. The more I read the stronger I became. I realized this ministry had the things we needed for spiritual growth in Jesus Christ. We now look to Bless Ministries of Mobile, Alabama as our mentors. We hunger and thirst for their continued fellowship and teachings.

We work hard to grow food and raise chickens for a better food supply to help provide for ourselves and the orphans we care for.

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Please pray with us and stand in faith for how the Lord would have you help us fulfill our vision to reach the unreachable and forgotten in our communities. When you donate, please enter "Geoffrey Masese" in the notes of the donation form.
God bless you for your prayers and kindness to our ministry.