Greenview Community Church
Magenche, Kenyenya

I am Okari Evans, the pastor of Greenview Community Church in the village of Magenche, located in Kenyenya, Kenya. My wife and I work with our three sons and minister to our 120 members. We love the work we do for the kingdom of God, and we cherish each day the Lord has revealed to us our purpose to minister in this part of the world.

I was not raised in a family that knew Jesus Christ. One day I attended an outside church service conducted in our community. During this service, I received Jesus as my savior and was baptized in the Holy Spirit. I began sharing what I was learning about Jesus with my brothers and sisters as I served the Lord in a local church. By the Lord's revelation, I have learned that I was called from my mother's womb to fulfill His great commission of Matthew 28:19-20. The church pastor started befriending the women of the congregation in an evil way, so the members who wanted to serve the Lord in truth and Spirit decided to have our own church in another location.

I was chosen to lead this congregation as we prayed to find some honest and genuine pastor we could connect with for guidance and leadership. We needed a mentor we could trust that followed Jesus Christ according to the Word of God. We connected with Pastor Johnny Holland of Bless Ministries, Mobile, Alabama, in the United States in our search. We have learned we can trust him and work with Bless Ministries to build a good and respectable church for the glory of God and His kingdom. This connection was the answer to our prayers.

Through our connection with Bless Ministries, we are now an established ministry. I have been licensed as a minister of the gospel, and we can present our church with legal documents acceptable to our local government. These documents identify us in the community as a church working to fill the needs of all the people.

One of the greatest needs in any Kenya community is the orphans. Because so many people die from diseases, poverty, and misuse of alcohol and drugs, many children are left without parents or families to care for them. Our ministry presently cares for 18 orphaned children. We all work together farming small crops for food that helps supply our families and the orphans. There never seems to be enough to meet all the needs, but we trust the Lord to multiply our work as we trust Him in all things.

The more severe problem is getting fresh, clean water.
Without freshwater, our people face disease and even death from lack of good hygiene. This is the number one problem we face as a community. We trust that the Lord will continue His blessing upon Bless Ministries Mobile USA, so they can help us with their vision of building ways to bring fresh water to our community.

We know the Lord has connected us with Bless Ministries to further our church vision by using the things they make available to our ministry. We are thankful for their kindness and the guiding leadership. We now hope to grow into God's vision for us, and our people can continue to learn more about living the lifestyle of a Christian.

Thank you for looking at our webpage. Please pray with us for how the Lord would have you help us in this exciting and new ministry.
If you donate, please enter "Okari Evans" in the notes of the donation form. Our goal is to bring more people into a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ and build the kingdom of heaven by planting churches as the people receive the Word of God.
Thank you for your time, and God bless you.