Holy Trinity Living Water Church
Bungoma Town, Kenya
I am Erustus Murambakania Museve. My wife Sarah Nanyama Masika and I were the pastors of the Covenant Saints Church of Sikata Market Center in the town of Bungoma in the nation of Kenya. Recently we started a new ministry we named the Holy Trinity Living Water Church, also in Bungoma, Kenya.

We have been blessed with four daughters: Faith Nekesa, Gift Naliaka, Happy Namachanja and Shirley Anne.

I was raised in a poor family where my father practiced polygamy. I am the fifth born child out of the ten children in my family. Our father moved from our home and went to stay with our step-mother, leaving my mother to raise the children. His support was minimal, especially for food, clothing and medication. He did pay our school fees but only because he received pressure from relatives.
My mother told me when I was about six months old I became critically sick and was put in ICU for one month. I had developed some intestinal problems and the doctor wanted to operated on me. My mother refused and God showed His hand was upon me because I am still alive today.
In 1995 I was eighteen years old and started attending a Christian Union meeting where I started learning about the love of God and having a relationship with Jesus Christ. For three days I had the same dream where someone was coming to me at night and asking me to change my life and serve God. This caused me to give my life to Jesus while in a Christian Union meeting. When I went home and shared with my parents and siblings about my new life in Jesus Christ, they did not like it. My entire family turned against me. When I would come home late from the church meetings I was denied food. This did not keep me for pressing on in Christ. I received good support from my pastor and church family.

Sarah, my wife, is from a religious family of twelve children. She was saved in 1997 and her father did not like her having salvation either. She would sneak out and visit her elder sister so she could attend church with her; which was the same church I was attending. Sarah was a very committed person remaining prayerful and humble. God spoke to me that I was to marry Sarah, who would be a strong pillar for my ministry work and that she would stay true to God's word. We were married in 2004 and she has fulfilled God's promise. Sarah has stood by me as a co-pastor when all other people, to include family, has abandoned us. My family and relatives have not been supportive of our wedding because Sarah was not working on a university level. Even our local church was reluctant to support us because of the influence from my relatives who were part of the church leadership. After our wedding we went back to Nairobi where my Pastor put me in a position as the Assistant Pastor and God started moving in our lives in powerful ways.
We were expecting our first child and Sara miscarried requiring the child to be born at six months. I lost my job and the pastor with some of the church members suddenly turned against us and I was let go as the assistant pastor. Life got hard with a new born baby, no job, and out of church, and no friends to even beg from. I tried to find a job without any success. After praying and fasting God moved on me to seek out the Bishop in the main church in Nairobi. We were accepted by the Bishop to serve as his assistant pastor at the Conquerors Covenant Saints Church in Nairobi.

After serving for one year under the Bishop I got a job as the assistant manager of an insurance company located in Kakabmega Town in the western part of Kenya. After six months working there God spoke to me. It was one week before I was to be confirmed as a permanent employee and God told me to quit working with the insurance company and go serve Him as a fulltime pastor in the Muslim region in Mumias Town, Kenya. Sarah and I have planted several Conquerors Covenant Saints Church starting in 2007.
After serving in the church in Mumias Town for ten years God spoke to us, the end of 2016, to move to Bungoma Town and plant a church there. In the Beginning of 2020 we moved upon by the Holy Spirit to build a completely new group of church we named Holy Trinity Living Water Churches.

Muyayi, Bungoma Town
Through God’s grace we been able to plant five new churches. Four churches in Kenya and one in the Burgiri District of Uganda.

Muluwa, Butere Town

Ekero, Mumias Town

Ebubole, Mumias Town

Our vision is to minister the holistic development of people in their spiritual, physical, economic and social needs. We desire to prevent and control HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, and establish clinics. We aim to improve economic development by training in small scale farming, entrepreneurship, tailoring, hair dressing, carpentry, welding, and agriculture development. This will ensure living conditions and livelihoods for local communities.
We are praying God move and help us plant a fifth church at a place called Ebubole Market where we have our own land in Uganda. We want to build a church and school here.
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