Bless Ministries Church
Kemboa, Kenya

I am Donald Oyaro Oganda. My beloved wife Loice Bosibori, and I are the pastor family for the Bless Ministries Church of Kemboa, Kenya located in East Africa.
Our young congregation is dedicated to reaching people with the truth from God's word. We do this by carrying out street evangelism, going house to house in our villages and towns. We find many poor orphans whose parents died from HIV/AIDS. Other children have been affected from post-election violence that ravished the villages in Kenya, and led to many deaths, thus leading to more orphans. There are many who need our help but we had to narrow down to care for 18 orphans because or resources are limited.

In 2018 my wife and I started having worship services with ten people who decided to dedicate their lives to Jesus Christ. We have now grown to thirty-eight dedicated people. We named the church Kamboa Church of God after the name of our village. My wife and I are the leading pastors and we have Pastor James Matara, Pastor Isaac Onditi, and Pastor Kennedy Omundi to help us ministering the gospel with our house preaching as we go house to house.

Because we were not a part of any church organization, I searched on the internet to find resources we could teach from. I came across resources through Bless Ministries of Mobile, Alabama, and introduced myself to them. This resulted in us changing our name to the Bless Ministries Church of Kamboa, Kenya and each pastor being licensed by Bless Ministries.

Pastor Donald Oyaro
Loice Bosibonri James Matara Kennedy Omundi Isaac Onditi
We have a vision to reach our community with the gospel, making disciples for Jesus Christ, and equipping them to be God's people that demonstrate the love of God. We are training disciples to live in the hope that ministry can be a global mission, reaching beyond our local community. By using the guidance from Bless Ministries of Mobile, USA, and investing our efforts in meetings with prayer and good preaching, we shall reach our vision.

Our greatest needs are means to feed the orphans and those who visit our church on Sundays. We want to feed our congregation each Sunday because most people travel on foot to reach our church services. We desire to feed them before they return home at the end of the day.

We also have need of a good sound system to be heard better. We would use the sound system in our village meetings that are held outside.