Hello, I am Daniel Raza, the pastor of Bless Ministries of Khanewal, in the nation of Pakistan. I am a simple man that was born into a Christian family that was always close to the Lord Jesus Christ. My parents taught us out of the Word of God. After I passed my metric exams I went into the nursing profession. While working as a nurse I met a young woman named Roziena and we were married.

Bless Ministries of Khanewal, Pakistan

All of my family works together as Bless Ministries of Khanewal, Pakistan. I am the pastor of our church ministry, Grace Cathedral Church.

While working as a nurse I began training in ministry under the Salvation Army. They have a great program but they would not allow us to take part in their field work so we opened the Good Shepherd School and Kids Bible Foundation. We started teaching children from the Gospel of John and the children responded with great joy in their hearts as the learned more each day.
Our son Sharib Gill

We are a very happy family with four children.
Our daughter Sarah Kainat Gill
Our son Shazaib Gill
Our son Saul Gill
We live in the city of Multan

My wife Roziena is the Principal of the Good Shepher School and my father, Ghulam Mashi Shanti assists in the school as so do our four children.

The Good Shepard School is a large part of our ministry work.


Our Kids Bible Foundation was established to work alongside the school to get a bible in the hands of every child we can reach. We understand that the Word of God is the hope for a good solid life and a strong society. Training children with their own bible will help them grow into strong adults that will change the evils in our society.

It is our vision to reach the non-Christians in Pakistan through evangelism from our church ministry while continuing to grow our school into a high standard of education for children that will advance through to a seminary bible college for training people in the ministry.

It is our desire to bring the love of Jesus Christ to our nation.
Please help us in our vision by making a donation. Click the donate button and your kindness will help to change Pakistan with the gospel.
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