Christ Apostolic Ministries of Pakistan
Toba Tek Singh, Pakistan
I am Abdulmanan Shahbaz from Toba Tak Singh, Pakistan.
My family and I minister the gospel as the pastor family in the Christ Apostolic Ministries of Pakistan.

Twenty-seven years ago I found myself as a disobedient son to old parents who had spent their lives trying to grow a Christian family. Though my mother and father trained me to be a good Christian son, my bad habits became so much a part of my life I would be looked at as a big sinner. I never appreciated the feelings of anyone; I was watching sexual movies of every kind; never liked going to church or attending prayer meetings because they were so boring; was smoking sometimes; but I never got into drinking alcohol.

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In all of this God still took pity on me and one day my father told me a guest speaker was coming to the church from Canada. I was not interested in going to hear him, but my family insisted on me going, so I went with them. As the guest speaker shared the Word of God I started seeing my ugly face and my sin. I wept that entire day. As I opened myself up to the Lord I accepted that I was a sinner, repented of my sins, asked for forgiveness and I receive Jesus into my heart. That evening I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Jesus showed his love to me and forgave me of all my sins. There was a new joy in my life which I had never experienced before. The next day I was brought to a canal and was baptized in water, and now I will ware Him for the rest of my life.

Because of the great love Jesus had shown toward me, in 2001 I started sharing the Word of God with people everywhere, which gave me great pleasure. From that time until now many souls have been saved.

My wife is Seraphine Shahbaz. Before we married on November 15, 2001, Seraphine lived with her Catholic family. She was a regular Sunday church visitor but did not really understand anything of God other than she knew He was working in her life. After she finished her post graduate education she joined a NGO (non-government organization). During the course of her job she saw the wonderful works of the Lord but still did not know Him. In 1998 the city of Punjab was flooded. Seraphine stayed and worked with the flooded villages supplying food and medicines for the people who were enduring the flood. The entire time God saved her from dangerous snakes and heavy water. Another time in February 2001 she was coming back from attending a meeting when the bus she was on hit a van and many of the passengers died, while she was completely safe. Jesus was working for her good and yet she was not able to see His hand protecting her. Even after we were married my wife refused to sit with me the pastors that would come visit with my family. She would tell me that she did not have time to hear the discussions of my pastor friends. She insisted that she could not accept my protestant faith and that she was ok with her Roman Catholic faith. I made sure I never forced her. Then in 2005 our church held a two day bible class and I request my wife to attend the classes. Saraphine decided she would try to please me and attended. As the Word of God was shared my wife's heart began to break and by the time we got to Psalm 119:167-174 she could not resist any longer and she was saved. For the past eleven years my wife has been growing in her spiritual live and plays an important part of our ministry.

Our two sons, Misqal Shahbaz and Daud Shahbaz; and two daughters, Tabita Shahbaz and Obdiah Shahbaz; all work with us, singing, teaching, and ministering the Word of God. Click this link to see Misqal and Daud leading worship during a convention in Goria, July 15, 2017:

In 2003 we started our ministry by holding prayer meetings in with young boys and girls. Interest grew the more we shared the Word of God and families started coming to the prayer meetings. We were enjoying our steady growth until 2013 when a group of Muslims demanded that we stop having prayer meetings in our prayer hall. They registered an application against us with the District Police Office that required us to register our ministry. We registered as the Christ Apostolic Ministries of Pakistan. Because the Muslims continued to keep us from having church activities in our prayer hall, we moved the meetings into a home. Our continued faith in the Lord and His mercy and grace has allowed us to grow the ministry where we now have sixty families that have joined with us in our church, Bible School, and Charity School.

The ministry has extended into having a woman's ministry, street ministry, travel ministry, Bible distribution ministry, miracle and healing crusades, pastor and leadership training, and Bible college for youth. We also offer free education to the poor and needy and assist them with food, medical needs, and medicine.

It is our vision to make a difference in our communities by filling the physical and spiritual needs of individuals so they have a better place to live. We are accomplishing this by working with all the denominations of people to plant churches and ministries throughout Pakistan.

In 2005 we started working to establish a Bible College. We were only able to have the school open for one and a half years before we had to close due to lack of resources. We were able to reopen the Bible College in 2014 and we named the school the Alpha Omega International Bible College. It is located with our ministry in Toba Tek Singh. He is a link to our Facebook page:
Alpha Omega International Bible College Toba tek singh

Bibles College Students
Our daughter Tabita Shahbaz is now recording her music that praises the Lord Jesus Christ. Click on the video to hear her YouTube presentation:
Here is my children's Christmas song for 2022.
Please remember to pray for these Urgent Needs:
1. Suzuki Bolan for Village Charity School Children (working as brick layers) ($12077 USD).
We will use this Vehicle in the Morning for School Children and in the Evening for Evangelism.
2. Church Building for Church Services, Healing Crusade, Women sewing center, Bible College
($47,098 USD).
3. Urdu Bibles written and audio, for illiterate people, community, and Bible students.
200 Written and 200 Audio Bibles.
4. Financial support to help the poor and needy, and orphan children for education, books, cloths,
medicines, and stationeries. ($50 USD per child).
5. Support for our Bible College.
6. Support for Evangelism work.
Thank you for looking at our ministry webpage. If you were touched by this exciting ministry and you would like to help us in our vision, please make a donation by clicking the "Donate" button. Please enter our name "Shahbaz" in the notes of the donation form.
Please remember to pray for us.