Bless Ministries Church
Uhuru Market West Karachuonyo, Homabay, Kenya

I am Pastor Tobias Elijah Ouma, together with my dear wife Pamella, we are the founders of the Bless Ministries Church in the Uhuru Market of West Karachuonyo, located in Homabay County of Kenya.
We currently oversee six churches across the region.

I was in born in 1979 in Karachuonyo a small area of Rachuonyo, a sub country of Homabay, in the province of Nyanza. I was the five child of my Catholic parents who had three boys and two girls. Though my parents were of the Catholic faith, they were very serious drunkards. I grew up in poverty with no hope of going to school. My elder brother got into alcohol and while doing his studies became confused and unable to complete his school work. My other bother left school and ran away to be a fisherman on Lake Victoria. Many times I thought about running away, but I had nowhere to go. I grew up with a lot of pain in my heart.
By God's grace, I was saved in 1994 and I was filled with the Holy Spirit in 1997. I took the gospel to our home and both of my parents accepted Christ that same day. They are dead now, but I am happy because they died in Christ.
In 2000 a well-wisher offered to sponsor me for a theological course and I enrolled in the Disciples of Mercy Bible College in Kisumu, Kenya. After finishing in 2003, I have been completely involved in ministry since then.

I was searching on the internet when I came across the Bless Ministries of Mobile, Alabama's website. After studying through the site and praying about its contents, the Holy Spirit lead me to make contact with the ministry. Our partnership with Bless Ministries is working to reveal our purpose and vision to the world.

I was married in 2002 and we have been blessed with four good boys. Our oldest sons recently graduated from the University and the second son is expected to enroll in the University in September 2023. The other two boys are still in their primary level of school. In addition to our children we care for my late brothers wife, who has mental sickness, and her son.
It is our vision to reach the lost souls of East Africa with the gospel by taking evangelism throughout Kenya and the other nations of Africa. Our outreach programs include:
Disciple believers.
Plant churches in the most unreached areas.
Train Pastors and Church leaders to build visions and expand the kingdom of God.
Reach into the hospitals and prisons with the Good News.
Build up support programs for widows, the elderly, the poor, and orphans that will provide food, bedding, and shelter.
Drill wells and provide water tanks for clean water, and especially where there is little water available.

My family makes a living by doing small businesses. Before Covid-19 we had a grocery store that closed during the epidemic. We are praying to reopen the store. My wife Pamella owns a small salon which also helps to sustain us.

The ministry is progressing through the commitment of the members. We are encouraged that our partnership with Bless Ministries will help generate donations as the Holy Spirit uses this webpage to let people see this is a good work to plant your spiritual seeds of faith. Please pray about how the Lord would have you help us and respond to the Holy Spirit. When you donate, please enter "Tobias" in the notes of the donation form.
Thank you for viewing our webpage. We would love to hear from you by sending an email to tobiasouma5@gmail.com.
Thank you for your kindness and consideration.