Worship with Joy Ministry
Faisalabad, Pakistan
I am Shakeel Akhtar, the director of an orphanage in Faisalabad, Pakistan. We have 25 orphan children living with me in a rented building. Our team is committed to providing our children with food, housing, and education, while building up their spiritual growth in Jesus Christ.

We do not have a church but we conduct prayer meetings with brick factory slave families. Our vision is to build a church facility someday. Any meetings we have are open air meeting and on the streets.

My father was born into a Hindu family and did not know Jesus Christ. My mother's family had faith in the Lord that helped my parents to have faith and we learned to have faith in Jesus Christ. I accepted the Lord as my Savior when I was thirteen years old. I was baptized and became a disciple of Jesus.
My mother died in 2020 and my father lives with me. I am not married but I have three brothers and four sisters who work with me in the ministry, caring for the orpans.

I started doing ministry work in 2010 and in I began gathering orphans to live in my home in 2016. It is our desire to shelter the homeless children who have no guardians.
We are grateful for the partnership we have with Bless Ministries of Mobile, Alabama. They have helped us to become established.

The great part of our outreach is to share the gospel with the enslaved brick factory families, and continue reaching more orphans. We spend much of our day seeking ways to raise donations and search for fresh vegetables, wheat, and some commodities.

If your heart is touched by our ministry here in Pakistan, please pray for how you can help us in our vision. Send us an email and we can suggest ways you can help.
Send your email to holyshelter201@gmail.com.
Thank you for your kindness.