I am Evangelist Rwakilembe Apollo from Kasese, a small village in the south western district of Kasese, Uganda.
Eden Christian Ministries
Kasese, Uganda

As it is written in Jeremiah 1 :5, God knew me even before I was born. During my early years before I got saved, I liked God and the preachers. This encouraged me to always follow my parents to church.
I started enjoying the Bible while in school. I joined the scripture union club which visited other schools and shared the scriptures. From my excitement of the Bible I started encouraging my friends in school, who had lost hope, that only God was their helper.
As we continued in the gospel my elder sister got saved and she started preaching to our family in our home. From her preaching and those who were already saved in the scripture union sharing with me, one night while praying in a scripture union prayer night, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Since that day the Lord has been very good to me.
Education was a hard struggle for us because our parents were peasants in the village. My elder sister got a job just so she could pay the fees for me to attend school. In my sixth year she died and my educations had to stop. So I started preaching the gospel in homes, hospitals, and markets, and was the interpreter in my home church. This lasted for two years and by some miracle I got fees and went back to school. I was able to graduate in 1998. After this I went and studied social work and received my diploma. I looked for a job in the government but not finding one I started teaching in a private school while I continued preaching in a home based ministry. This allowed my gifts in Christ to grow so much our pastor gave me opportunities to preach in the Sunday School and church.

I attended bible training for one year and completed my work in 2008. For the next two years my senior pastor took me into the surrounding villages where we preached the gospel in opened air churches. He was grooming me so when we returned to our home church I was appointed as the pastor over evangelism.

Now that I was a pastor our senior pastor being led by the Holy Spirit, advised me to marry. It was not long and I had met a Biira Betty in one of our neighboring Pentecostal churches. We were married by the middle of 2010. Just after we married my mother died leaving me with just my father as living parents.
It has been seven years now and we are still believing God for children. My wife is now like Sarah and I am like Abraham, but the Lord is good and we have many children to care for through our ministry.
My wife Betty is a teacher by profession and a minister of the Word in our church. She is also our praise and worship leader.

We named our ministry Eden Christian Church Ministries because the Lord spoke to me in the early days of our marriage and told me to use this name. He also said to start with a school because my wife had the knowledge and experience of a teacher. God also told me "From this school the ministry will grow and all categories of children we should admit into the school." With no finances, we obeyed God's voice and started the school. We are on the ground running with both orphans and needy children.

We later appointed my wife as the pastor of the school and added a chapel service to the schedule. Other people starting joining our services and it became necessary to start the church fellowship. God started directing me to work on other programs of evangelism where He has sent me to all people of all stations in life. He started flooding me with scriptures to share: Luke 4:18; Acts 10:38; Mathew 28:19; Mark 16-15-18 as a vision; and James 1:27. As I continued preaching these specific scriptures many souls were won to Jesus Christ.

This ministry has changed my life, my family, and the communities around our school and church. God told me that he would link me to other ministries that would help support me. I did not know how this would happen, but trusted his faithfulness to do what he had promised me. It was not too long and I met Pastor Johnny Holland on Facebook. As I learned more about Bless Ministries Mobile USA, I saw the hand of God being fulfilled in the partnership we have together. We received our sponsorship documents on April 10, 2017.

Our Vision:
Our vision is to secure some land to establish a permanent facility for our school and ministry.
Besides a large school for children and a strong effective church for our community we want a bible school for teach adults and ministers how to minister the Word of God.
We want a hospital to that is based upon the Word of God to heal people through medical knowledge and spiritual knowledge. In this way we can help our community become well of sickness and diseases while cast out demons that cause the diseases.
We would like to have a radio preaching program to reach more people.
We will grow our evangelism programs by training more church leaders, having seminars and crusades, and preach the gospel worldwide.

New Pictures from Facebook April 2022

Please help us by making a donation. Click the donation button and your donate from this page will be sent to us by Bless Ministries Mobile USA.
We need finances for food and other daily needs that will help us continue providing for the children and the school. It will keep us moving forward as we preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and build ministry for the Kingdom of Heaven. When you donate, please enter the name "Apolo" in the notes of the the donation form.
Thank you for your kindness. Please do not forget to pray for us.