The Clarafra Charitable Home
Getembe, Kenya

I am Ruth Nyaboke Bonuke, a teacher by profession. I presently teach in a school within the town Kisii, Kenya. I have always interacted with children both in the school I taught and church I attend.
My passion for guiding children spiritually started in 1991 when I felt a calling to serve God in a religious life as a nun. This never satisfied my passion and I held it in for thirteen years. Then in 2004 I requested the sisters to release me from the convent, so I could God as a lay person. I remain in the Catholic church, but I now can serve children to my fulfillment, which is working with the abandoned children.
There are so many children who are forgotten, aborted and even thrown in pits to relief their parents of the responsibility of raising them. One morning when I was going to the church for morning prayers, I found a child that had been wrapped in a polythene paper. The child was still alive, so I took her home with me started taking care of her. This little baby girl is 5years old now. Two years later after I started caring for a little girl, while traveling in a public vehicle. A lady requested me to assist her carry her one-year baby boy. The woman left the vehicle without my notice, leaving the baby with me. I took him home and started caring for him also. I am single still but living with my daughter who is 5 years old and my son that is three years old.

Many children I teach have lost their parents to death because of HIV and AIDS. I have started counseling and helping them as much as I can, but I am one person and there are many children needing help. This is how I serve the Lord, helping the children.
I have opened my home as a place of ministry for children. I call the home, Clarafra Charitable Home. We help as many children as we can, but our resources are limited.
Here we are having a church services with the orphans.

In October 2017 I contacted Pastor Johnny Holland through a Facebook chat. As I told him more about me and the work I do he shared about his ministry. I went on line and learned how we could be partners with Bless Ministries Mobile USA and today we have been issued documents establishing us as a ministry. I have been licensed by Bless Ministries to preach the gospel, and now we are reaching out even more.
I know that our connection with Bless Ministries Mobile USA will continue to help us grow in the blessing of God. As we do, we are sharing the blessings of God in the lives of many more children. Lives are being changed as we give ourselves more to the ministry of children around Getembe, Kenya.

Thank you for reading through our webpage. Please pray about sponsoring us and sending us a donation. Your support will help many children have needed food, clothing, and education. The Clarafra Charitable Home is showing the forgotten children of our community that they matter, and someone truly cares for them. When you donate, please enter "R Nyaboke" in the notes of the the donation form.
Thank you for your kindness.
God bless You.