Pipeline Christian Church International
Nairobi, Kenya

My name is Roy Musee Maluki. The am the pastor of the Pipeline
Christian Church International.
The Christian Church International ministry started in 1970 and has over three hundred church branches all over the world. Working with them my family has planted a church in Nairobi, Kenya. Pipeline is a community in city of Nairobi, which we chose as our church name to better identify us in the Christian Church International ministries.

On August 18, 2001 I was married to my wife.
We have three children.

Before my parents were married my father was not one who went to church. After they married they began to attend the Roman Catholic Church and became strong believers of that religion. I was born to Jeremiah and Bentetor in 1976. They had two other children, my sisters, then in 1979 my mother died. My Father defected from the church and got married to another woman who did not want to see us. They moved to Mombasa and we were left with our elderly grandparents who were unable to care for us properly. When I think back at these times my eyes fill with tears and I remember the difficulty of those days as the tears continue running down my face. Many nights we had nowhere to sleep or lay our heads so we slept on the cold ground with nothing to wrap with. We were bitten by insects so bad my skin was being destroyed. Because there was little food we were are becoming seriously affected with malnutrition.
I was able to start a nursery school in 1980 but it took me twelve years to complete my primary schooling instead of the normal nine years. I had to repeat classes because I was not understanding the classes due to my malnutrition.
My grandparents could not afford the school uniforms so I was left to wear rags until a good Samaritan had mercy on me and give the old worn out uniforms of her child when she buy new ones. These same uniforms were my Sunday best clothes also. Wearing shoes was like a dream because I only saw them on the other children.

I was constantly having to repeat classes in my primary schooling but I finally passed my final exam and started secondary school where my father worked as a cook. My father would not help me pay my school fees so I had to withdraw from school. But God does not sleep neither slumber, watching over his people. The Head teacher sent for me and made me the school day watchman which allowed me a way to pay for my schooling. I also cut fire wood for the school and fetched water with donkeys from the river. The work caused me headaches and stress because it was not easy being a child.
It was while working in this school I had reached class seven in 1991. The school had a Christian Union and the secretary of the union was a girl named Catherine Kamwaro. She was a Christian that was seriously committed to preaching the word of God. She was staying at the school while it was closed to earn extra tuition money. Once her two weeks work had passed Catherine ask my father if she could stay with us for the remaining week until school started again. During this week she started a home fellowship in our home. As she started preaching I was more interested in her than I was what she was saying. She went with me to do all my duties and everywhere we went she was preaching to me about Jesus. On the third evening as Catherine was preaching I felt a lot of heat come over my body. I started crying but I did not know why. Catherine realized I was under the power of the Holy Spirit so she told me to pray. I told her I did not know what to do. She told me to just open my mouth and pray. As I did I just kept repeating one word, "Hallelujah", over and over. I felt a freedom from all my past and Catherine lead me in a prayer of repentance. That night I was saved.
I have been preaching since 1991. I was able to work with the Siloam of East Church in Nairobi as Assistant Pastor. I was feeling in my heart that I was not fulfilling God's mandate concerning my call and vision, so I kept praying and seeking God for divine direction and guidance. The Lord directed me to the Christian Church International ministries who gave me permission to plant a church in the Pipeline community of Nairobi which my family and were able to start building in 2019.

Porridge Ministry
We now have a ministry outreach that cares for the many hungry children of our community. It is out goal to help children eat at least once a day by providing them with porridge. We prepare the porridge and take it to the children in large containers for easy distribution.

Please help us feed the hungry children by making a donation and enter "porridge" in the notes portion of the donation form. Thank you for your kindness.

Some years back I was feeling the need to pray and seek God for intervention and direction over my calling. I wanted to find some people who could pray with me in a deeper way so started searching for prayer partners on the internet when I came across Prayer Chain Online. I connected myself with them and started sending my prayer request while also praying for other prayer requests that were sent into the group. After some time the Founder requested who among the group would like to assist her by approving prayer request that are sent in because some are scammers looking for a way to connect with people they can deceive. She needed someone who can sort the genuine prayer items sent from the scammers. I presented my interest and applied for the position. I was recruited as a moderator for the Prayer Chain Online organization. They were so impressed with my counseling skills I was later appointed as a biblical counselor also.
You can contact the Prayer Chain Online by clicking this link:
If you would like to be a part of our expanding and ministry, please help by making a donation. Click the donate button and start helping the Pipeline Christian Church International in Nairobi, Kenya build their vision. When you donate, please enter "Maluki" in the notes of the donation form.
Most of all remember to pray for us. God bless you!!