Bless Ministries Pentecostal Church
Busekese, Namayingo, Uganda

I am Robert Wandera, pastor of the Bless Ministries Pentecostal Church of Busekese, Banda Town, located in the Namayingo district of Uganda.
I was born in the Luchululo village of Nangosia, Busia Country, Kenya. My father was from Mukwanyi of Busia district, Uganda, who did not stay with my mother and me. My mother and I lived under the care of her brothers in Kenya. I did visit with my father a few times before he passed in 2012. I was told that my mother left me with my grandmother when I was just two months old. She left to get married.

My grandmother struggled caring for me through my school years until I had to stop after my third year in Senior High School, because I had no support from my father or mother, and my paternal grandfather had passed away. I had to leave for lack of school fees.

My father was a drunkard and never helped us with support, though he had a job and worked. He failed to marry any woman as a house wife, and as such, I was his only child. At times my uncles would chase me away from their homes because they saw me as a burden. I had no hope for the future because my father sold all of his land away.
One of my uncles that was saved went to pray for a sick person in the neighborhood and I heard them singing a song that was calling upon the blood of Jesus. It moved me so much I ran to the neighbor's house to learn more. After they prayed for the patient and preached some, an alter call was given and I had to give my life to Jesus as my personal savior. It was 1991 and I was fourteen years old.

I started serving God with a committed heart until I was able to open my first church in 2002. We named the church Glory Church at Muramba Village. It was in the Samia sub county, Busia, in Kenya. After two year I left the leadership of the church with Pastor James Ouma and Charles Handa because of my conviction to build a ministry in Uganda. I went to Uganda and preached as an evangelist from 2006 to 2010. During this time I had to rent from one of my uncles in Uganda, so I could afford the school fees for our youngest child. While in Bugali I joined a Pentecostal Churches of Uganda where my uncle was pastoring.

During this time I started helping a woman who was caring for orphans. We both were caring for orphans so we combined our efforts to better service the children. Auma Agnes and I opened the Abundant Favour International Christian Ministries to cares for many hundreds of orphans we were helping to find permanent homes for, as we continue caring for our own children. As a result of our work together we were married on December 6th, 2014. Now we work as husband and wife carrying for more than five hundred children. You can view this ministry by going to Auma Agnes under Uganda.

In 2017 I was sent by my uncles church to opened the Busekese Pentecostal Church located in Busekese, Uganda. We work to evangelize our community by going door to door. We network with an organization called Bibles for Others, who have sent some bibles that we distributed to new believers so they can a way to read the word of God. We will be going to the Lolwe Islands in July 2023 and we will take some of the bibles with us to distribute on our mission trip.

One day my wife presented me with some studies she received from a ministry in the United States called Bless Ministries of Mobile, Alabama. Auma thought their studies would be good for teaching in our church. After contacting Bless Ministries we began building a partnership together. Now we are building the kingdom of God together and we have much hope for the future.
We were able to award new converts with bibles.

Here are our church leaders:

Pastor Robert Auma Godfrey Joy Evans Benard
Wandera Agnes Wabwire Chematos Friday Barasa

Richard Nanva Betty Moses Esther
Ouma Kevina Nasirumbi Oundo Nandera
Thank you for looking at our webpage. Please pray for how you might help us in this wonderful work we have been given by the Lord, Jesus Christ. If you do donate, please enter my name in the notes of the donation form.
And please remember to pray for our success to minister the love of God.