5949 Bourne Road Theodore, AL 36582
(251) 599-1960
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In 2016 Bobby and Kimberly Atwood followed the call of God to build a church that invests in people the life giving Word of God as they activate the purpose and potential planted in every person God would connect them with in Theodore, Alabama. By God's leadership they named the church Redemption Mobile, to set an atmosphere to experience Holy Spirit and annihilate poverty mindsets, religious barriers and walls of racism that divide community. Pastors Bobby and Kemberly lead with the motto, "Building People...Building the Kingdom...Redemption Mobile."
You may know how to do church, but do you know how to do life? The mismanagement of your life can leave you feeling the need for a total renovation when in truth you just need to make some adjustments. Redemption Mobile defines ministry as having the desire to improve someone’s life.
We have a diverse congregation including people of all ages, ethnicity and socio-economic backgrounds. Redemption Mobile invites you to come learn Kingdom principles that will empower, prepare and propel you into the abundant life Jesus has paid for us all.

It is the goal of the church to invest in their community by using their campus to facilitate events and special gathering by organizations and groups in the community. They want the people of the Theodore area to have a place they can depend upon as a spacious venue for holding special activities and events.

Bless Ministries Mobile USA is proud to partner with Redemption Mobile. We continue praying for their success and make all of our resources available to ensure their vision moves forward with the life-changing ministry they present in the community of Theodore, Alabama.
Please take the time and look at their website: http://redemptionmobile.org/