Kenyenya Fellowship Ministry
Nyaisero, Kisii, Kenya

I am Raphael Peter Ayiecha, a pastor from Nyaisero, Kisii, Kenya. I am married and we have one child.
I am the second born child of my parents who raised a family with 8 children. As a child, I completed all my academic levels of school through the college level. When I was 14 years my parents starting taking me to church and I began learning about being an ambassador of Jesus Christ. I did not give any attention to the ways of my parent's denomination as I became discouraged that most of the women only looked at what you put on each day to come to church. This led me to think of a way to leave the church.
One day while grazing our cattle along the road, a vehicle passed by us carrying white Americans and black Africans. Out of curiosity we took off running after the care to see why the white Americans were in the car. Fortunately, it came to stop where there was a church nearby. As we approached the church all the people came out to welcome us in. Once we were inside the church the pastor began praying and everyone sit down. The pastor began preaching the gospel and then he let the white man take his place, who preached the good news of repentance. He called people to repent from their sins and come to Jesus. The most important thing he said was that "GOD loves you and this is why he send His only son to die for our sins. He was preaching from Psalms 101:5 and told how God does not look at what you put on but he looks your heart and hates people who talk against others. The message touched me so much when he called for the children, I went forward. As he touched our heads, we were baptized in the Holy Spirit. After the service we returned home and I changed my denomination from Seventh-day Adventist to the Baptist Church denomination.
One day while grazing our cattle along the road, a vehicle passed by us carrying white Americans and black Africans. Out of curiosity we took off running after the care to see why the white Americans were in the car. Fortunately, it came to stop where there was a church nearby. As we approached the church all the people came out to welcome us in. Once we were inside the church the pastor began praying and everyone sit down. The pastor began preaching the gospel and then he let the white man take his place, who preached the good news of repentance. He called people to repent from their sins and come to Jesus. The most important thing he said was that "GOD loves you and this is why he send His only son to die for our sins. He was preaching from Psalms 101:5 and told how God does not look at what you put on but he looks your heart and hates people who talk against others. The message touched me so much when he called for the children, I went forward. As he touched our heads, we were baptized in the Holy Spirit. After the service we returned home and I changed my denomination from Seventh-day Adventist to the Baptist Church denomination.

One day a friend told me, "You need go for prayer". I asked him, "Are you sure if I go for prayer I will be healed of my sickness? He said, "Yes". So I requested he take me where such an activity is conducted. He took me to a home where people prayed. As we entered this house of prayer, the Reverent asked us, "Why have you come?" We said, "for prayer." She asked, "What kind of prayer do you need?" I told him I was sick. She asked, "Do you believe if I pray for you, you will be healed?" I said, "Yes." Then she said, "If you believe, put your knees down". When I went down on my knees, she started praying for me. I went home and after few days I started seeing some changes in my life. I got converted to Christ again, and I was water baptized. After I got saved, I became a minister and started preaching the word of GOD from village to village.
While I was in high school, I was chosen as a spiritual leader for the assembly. Once I finished my secondary level of education I went out from my home and began following the influence of Satan by joining up with a group that drank alcohol all the time. I thought I was at a point of no return but the Spirit of God never left me alone. I came to the place every time I drank I would become sick. One time it was so bad I was taken to the hospital for treatment. Even this did not cause me to stop drinking.

After I received the call from God, He commanded me to reach out to people with the word and preach repentance. I asked the Lord to show me what I should do and HE told me, "Come to me and build a ministry that serves my people." He reverenced from the book Nehemiah 2:17, "Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer be a reproach." I shared these words with my family. We all sat down together and made the decision to build this ministry we named the Kenyenya Fellowship Ministry.
This ministry has been developed through much prayer, assistance from friends and well-wishers, and eight pastors who were commanded to evangelize and preach the word of God. We are under the Baptist Convention of Kenya located in the Kisii region and county, as required by the laws of Kenya.
This ministry has been developed through much prayer, assistance from friends and well-wishers, and eight pastors who were commanded to evangelize and preach the word of God. We are under the Baptist Convention of Kenya located in the Kisii region and county, as required by the laws of Kenya.
This ministry has been developed through much prayer, assistance from friends and well-wishers, and eight pastors who were commanded to evangelize and preach the word of God. We are under the Baptist Convention of Kenya located in the Kisii region and county, as required by the laws of Kenya.

While looking for ways to broaden out scope for assistance with teaching and financial help, I searched the internet for possible ministries that extend assistance to other ministries. I came across Bless Ministries of Mobile, Alabama, USA. After making contact with them and working through their process we became partners in ministry with Bless Ministries Mobile USA. They have helped us by issuing certificates of licenses and establishment letters for our church and other pastors and churches under our leadership.

I Am thankful to Pastor Johnny Holland and I am praying that GOD will open many new ways to me. HE has answered my prayer in the fact, when I read from the Book of JEREMIAH 33:3, it says, "Call to me and I will hear you and answer you." From the book of Psalms 105 it spoke the same, "me and mine, we were crying day and night, but now GOD has heard our prayer". When I came to Matthew 19:20, it says, " go therefor into the whole world preaching and baptizing them in the name of father the son and of the holy spirit." Surly I have allowed my spirit to let me know who Pastor Johnny Holland is and it has been confirmed to me that Bless Ministries of Mobile USA is the right ministry for us to be partnered with.
We are excited about our new possibilities to learn from the experience of Bless Ministries Mobile USA. We are using their teachings and mentor leadership to progress the gospel into our local communities.

We are building up our own resources by raising cattle and growing food to support our families and the orphans we care for.

We are now holding classes in our Manthano School of Ministries bible college here in Nyaisero.
Here is a link to that school webpage:

Thank you for looking through our webpage. Pray to the Lord for ways which you can help us. Make any donations to the Kenyenya Fellowship Ministry in Nyaisero, Kisii, Kenya by clicking this donate button. Please help us as we work to equip churches and help more people become established in the Kingdom of God. When you donate, please enter "Raphael" in the notes of the donation form.
Thank you so much for your kindness.