Prayer Chain Online is an online application that allows churches and organizations to create public or private prayer groups. Group members can view and comment on group requests and submit their own prayer requests. Prayer requests are automatically emailed to the group members.
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Pam Nelligan, and I'm the founder of Prayer Chain Online. Back in 2009, I found myself writing prayer requests everywhere: on church bulletins, on little slips of paper that I would stuff into my purse, and even in the margins of my Bible. Prayer requests seemed to come from everywhere! People would call me and ask for prayer, they would email me, they would send me text messages and even IM me. In church, the pastor would mention prayer requests, and people would stop me throughout the day at work and even at the grocery store to ask for prayer. After a while I found myself getting very disorganized, and I worried about forgetting - or misplacing - prayer requests that were entrusted to me. Since I was a software developer by vocation, I knew that there had to be a way to organize all these requests and make myself more productive. And hence, the idea for Prayer Chain Online was born.

What started out as a personal prayer list in 2009 has grown into a platform supporting over 20,000 members from 190 countries, logging over 2.75 million prayers (as of September 2020). We have seen God answer our prayers and draw our pray-ers closer to God in the process. In May 2020 we launched our Biblical Counseling ministry to help reach those who are hurting. Our goal is to help people use a Christ-centered approach to address life’s problems by applying God’s truth as found in His Word. We offer true hope for their problems, which can only be found through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our counseling services are free-of-charge and we rely on the Holy Spirit to lead people to us.
Join or start a Prayer Chain Group
For those who enjoy ministering through the internet, we offer opportunities to either join one of our established prayer chain groups for sharing your prayer request or start your own prayer group which allows you to monitor the members of the group and be an encouragement on a daily and weekly basis through the internet.

We offer short-term Biblical Counseling services to help work through your situation and provide effective, biblically-based perspectives and strategies. Our goal is to lay a foundation and help people use a Christ-centered approach to address life’s problems by applying God’s truth found in His Word. Biblical Counseling
For additional support we have a blog that gives inspirational thoughts listed by topics to strengthen and encourage.

Please click this link and view our website: https://www.prayerchainonline.net
Pray about what you can do to help the Prayer Chain Online and help us carry prayer around the world by clicking the donate button.
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