Voice Of God Church
Kisumu, Kenya

After being saved In 2001, Peter Odhiambo was in the mountains fasting and praying when he saw a light that looked like a torch. He began speaking in a new tongue and realized it was the Holy Spirit on him. He continued in fellowship and learning in his church and in 2006 Peter went back to the mountains for more prayer and fasting. While there, he heard a voice say to him, "I am Jesus Christ, I will stand with you, you will be a pastor and a teacher of my word." When he returned from the mountains the elders of that church laid hands on him to do the work of God.

After a few months the pastor of his church was going on a long mission trip and ask Peter to stand in as pastor during the time of his absence. The mission trip lasted for one year. After the pastor return and assumed his duties the Holy Spirit move on Peter to leave and move to Kisumu City, and launch a ministry. The Voice of God Ministry started with a few people but God gave them grace of miracles and wonders, healings, and blessings. The Holy Spirit was filing people, which caused the church grew quickly to 300 members. The ministry now has seven branch churches across the county, with 600 in fellowship.

During this time Pastor Peter married Lorna Anyango, who is anointed to preach and minister in leadership. They have had six children: Lidya Atieno, Felix Omondi, Marion Akinyi, Aplahounce Ouma, Vivian Adhiambo, and Rusel Akoth.

Pastor Peter's vision is to have a minimum of ten branch churches ministering to 5000 members. His passion for the people is to see the Voice of God Ministry build centers for children, and elderly. Primary schools and nursery centers for the children; and a senior home for those above sixty-five who are widowed and needy. Pastor Peter wants to educated the people by having a bible college to train men and women in the basic education tools, and for training in evangelism and development of ministry. Bless Ministries Mobile USA has partnered with Pastor Peter and the Voice of God Ministry to help him develop his vision.

If you would like to be a part of this expanding and ministry, please help by making a donation. Click the donate button and enter "Odhiambo" in the notes of the donation form. Most of all remember to pray for them. God bless you!