India Revival Ministry
Bangalore, India

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Hello dear friend. We are Paul and Shanthi Solomon, called and chosen by God to minister among the orthodox and strict Hindu families. Paul and I come from Hindu families. As teenagers our eyes were opened to see Jesus Christ on the cross for our sins, bringing both of us to the place of repentance where we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We have been serving the Lord together for more than twenty-five years. My Hindu name is Shanthi. Once we were married Paul changed my name to a Christian name, Priscilla, but he calls me Prisy. My Facebook name is Prisy Paul.
Watch this video of Prisy's Testimony:
Those many years ago as teenagers the Lord transformed us when we did not know anything about Jesus or what it meant to be a Christian. Now, by the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ, we are shinning for the glory of God by sharing the gospel to the people of India. We are reaching many addicted youngsters, non-Christians, the poor and needy that live in the slums, those with leprosy, and the aged and widowed.

We are holding women's fellowships, Youth for Truth campaigns, giving out Holy Bibles, and evangelizing among the people, show a faith-lifestyle with Jesus Christ. We are able to work day and night praying for a revival of holiness and righteousness in India and around the world.

We began our Revival Ministry in some villages and built a small worship hall in 1990. After a few months some Hindu extremists burnt it down. Reporting these things to the police only made thing more dangerous. After training a few ministers in some of the nearby villages we moved to Bangalore in 1996 to be involved with the city-wide revival and to have a better chance reaching many other places in India.

By God's grace we are reaching many souls for His glory. We have travelled to many parts of South India and some in North India giving out Bibles and New Testaments to the people.

Paul has been a full time Evangelist while I was teaching English nearly 25 years in High Schools and some Colleges. I continued sharing the gospel with the student, winning 1000's of them who are now serving Jesus Christ in Youth for Truth Ministry and the many outreaches we have here at the Indian Revival Ministry.

Here are some of my Korean students.

WE have partnered with the Prayer Chain Online where we lead the Prayer Groups "Global Revival Showers" and "Global Shekinah Revival". I you would be interested in joining any of these groups select their link:
Global Revival Showers Global Shekinah Revival
Revival is Genuine Repentance.....
It’s not an option, but unction of the Holy Spirit:
a voice of the wilderness;
for a heart with brokenness,
the need of a lukewarm Christianity:
a seed for a soul and its utter necessity;
it’s not a fashion word to make you soft,
but a passion sword to break the heart:
not in saying “I am ok and alright”
a life pleasing Him and living in Christ:
walking upright in His holy sight,
not a shallow life of show and vanity:
but a depth in His love and divinity.
Let revival be your heart’s fervent desire,
Be filled with His power and holy fire:
It refreshes a needy and parched soul;
A life changing encounter to make it whole.
It’s not a pious and out ward show,
but let the fountain of His life flow:
it’s net a thrill of a day’s emotion;
but the holy presence of daily devotion.
That's the blessing of Revival Shower!
Falling with Heaven’s glorious power.
- Paul Solomon
Revival is agonizing not organizing
It's edifying not entertaining
Holy life not jolly life
Kneeling in tears not rolling with peers
Trembling in his presence not tumbling
Humility not publicity
Soul searching not goal reaching
Holy fire not worldly mire
It's Jesus glorified not us magnified! Amen.
- Prisy Paul
We Experienced Acts 2:11
Every Tuesday I hold a zoom prayer meeting with people from Australia. I am the only Indian lady with them in these weekly prayer times. This last Tuesday, November 2, 2021, while we were all praying in tongues, I heard one woman from Sydney praying and praising God in an Indian language that is my mother tongue. It was grammatically correct and perfect. I told her it was so surprising, like in Acts Chapter 2:11, for a native English speaking person to pray in my Indian language!! The woman from Sydney only knew she was praying in tongues. Hallelujah!! Glory to God Almighty, that I was able to experience this great move of the Holy Spirit.
". . .we hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of God" (Acts 2:11).
We have a missionary team consisting of eight ministers who travel with us through India. These eight ministers has committed themselves to the vision of our ministry. Without their diligence we would not be as successful as we are. Please consider helping us with support them. We are only seeking $25 a month for each of the eight ministers. Pray and ask the Lord what you might do to help with this need. When you chose to donate for this need, please enter "8 Ministry Team" in the notes of the donation form.
Thank you for looking at our webpage. If you are touched by our vision, please consider helping by becoming a partner in support. Make a donation today. When you do, please enter "Prisy" in the notes of the donation form.
Please remember to pray for us. Thank you.