Preacher's Mission Africa
Soroti City, Uganda
I am Nelson Oboli, the President and CEO of Preachers' Mission Africa located in Soroti City, Uganda. We are a non-denominational and non-profit missions organization committed to discipling and mentoring ministers and believers by partnering with the churches in the nations of Africa.

I was brought up in a protestant family of three children. In the early 1990s Baptist missionaries were holding a crusade in my home District of Amuria. I attended the crusade and was touched by the message of John 3:16. I was moved by the Holy Spirit to accept Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Since then, I have been a happy child of God and committed to be His servant. I later joined a local Baptist church in Orungo where I served in various capacities, including youth pastor. In early 2016 I was accepted into the seminary here in Uganda, which I completed in March 2020, and went on to study for my Bachelor's degree in Biblical Studies at the National Theological College and Graduate School, Uganda Campus.

In 2019, my colleagues and I founded Preachers' Mission Africa. We are achieving our goals and impacting Africa by distributing literature and bibles and holding pastoral leadership development training. My colleagues and I have developed our programs from the extensive studies and experiences we are exposed to through the National Theological College and Graduate School located here in Uganda, and the experience of some local churches and pastors.

We are committed to help build ministers and ministries through Uganda and the surrounding nations. We extend our compassion efforts to the unreached and unengaged people of our communities by helping them to obtain needed food and health supplies. We share the good news of Jesus Christ with them and we encourage them to attend local churches in their community.

We have recently partnered with Bless Ministries Mobile USA who is assist us with materials and training to advance our abilities and exposure to the world. This webpage is one of the many ways they are helping us to achieve our goals. We are happy to partner with them as we reach beyond our borders to follow our mandate to work with preachers and churches around the world.

Thank you for looking through our webpage. We are a growing ministry that is excited about the promises we have through Jesus Christ. Pray for what the Lord would have you do to help us meet the needs of preachers and churches through the nations of Africa. If you donate, please enter my name in the notes of the the donation form.