Grace Home Ministries
Tachileik, Myanmar
Nay Hmung Kumar is a 21 year old young man who's love for Jesus Christ and the gospel has driven him to give up all he has to minister in his country of Myanmar, which is better known as Burma.
Nay was born to a family of poor parent that has four girls and three boys. They lived in a small mountain top village that only had thirty small houses. The family endured many struggle just to have food and clothing but their parents never gave up believing Jesus would always help to supply all their needs.

At the age of nine Nay accepted Jesus as his savior and he started believing in God.
He was in the fourth grade in school and became very interested in becoming a preacher of God's word. He enjoyed singing the songs about God and wanted to become a Christian singer. Nay's parents were very happy with his choices to preach so they encouraged him to continue in school wanting him to complete the 10th grade. This is their secondary level of education, the same as high school in the United States.

When Nay was in the 8th grade, at the age of 13, his father died expectantly. This caused even greater difficulties for his family. Because of their poverty Nay told his mother he would not continue his education so he could help provide for his family. His oldest sister intervened and chose to drop out of her schooling so she could work and provide in his place. His heart was broken for his sister's lose but to honor her sacrifice Nay remained in school and finished the 10th grade.
It was Nay's desire to study theology and go to a school of ministry, but he did not see any way the expenses could be met. Again his sister willing to see her brother succeed for the family and for the ministry calling that was on his life, she continued working to meet the expenses of his theology training.
Heartbroken and unable to sleep or eat, Nay was thinking about stopping his theological training because there was no way to pay any longer. In his heart he was wanting to go to India and study English and more of the Word of God. He shared this with his mother who told him there was no way to support him in this. Every time he saw people speaking English, he wanted to have the ability even more to speak with them.

Nay was able to enroll in a theology school in Yangon, the largest city in Myanmar, located in the most southern end of the country. He took off without books, pens, and had nothing when he got to Yangon. By God's grace and mercy Nay was given favor enough to somehow stay and finish two years of training. At that time his oldest sister feel sick from working in the open weather, rain, and sun. She felt it was necessary for Nay to come home. Two weeks after he arrived home his sister died.

In time Nay found a way to go with some friends and arrived in India. His struggles were even greater in India because most people were Hindu and they were not so eager to offer him help. He was able to find work in hotels and restaurants but the pay was meager. It took him several years to save enough money and enrolled in a small theology school.
This time he was able to find favor with some of the people at the school who assisted him with pens, books and other needs. Nay said he would always be grateful to these who helped him because they made it possible for him to remain at the school. Nay graduated with his Master's Degree in March of 2010 and went back home.

While in India Nay gained a deep desire for the orphaned children that he saw everywhere. Though Nay was not an orphan he always felt connected with them because he lost his father when he was only thirteen years old. Nay was always being pulled to them. The more he prayed for them the more he grew a passion to help them.

In 2012 he started his own work caring for ten children. This was a very courageous thing to do, having very little way to care for them. It really stretched Nay's faith as he searched for ways to house the ten children and tried to raise money for his new ministry. He was able to obtain a house for free the first year. By the end of the second year the ministry had grown to thirty children and they had to rent a house big enough to care for everyone. They also used the same house to have worship services in.

Nay found himself always praying for the care of these children. When they were at school, he was praying for the needs of the ministry. When they were at home, he would find a place to be alone, and he was praying for the needs of the ministry.

Because these children have come from every walk of life, they do not know about Jesus when they join the home. Nay continues to preach the gospel to them and now six of the thirty children have been saved.

After three years of ministering to these children and seeing the faithful of God for all the need of the home, Nay has grown into a stronger faith. He is confident that God is going to continue giving them all their needs according to His riches by Christ Jesus. Now that the Grace Home Ministries is a partner with Bless Ministries of Mobile, USA, we will see God grow this ministry into a powerful testimony for God in the village of Tachileik; which is about 250 miles east of the capital city of Naypyitaw; near the border on the northern tip of Thailand.

As Nay continues teaching the children the Bible he shows them how to enjoy being in ministry by teaching them spiritual songs and dance which they perform for churches and other community groups.

If you have been touched by Nay Hmung's story, please consider helping him by clicking the donate button.
Your donation will go to the Grace Home Ministries to assist Nay and the children he cares for. When making a donation, please enter my name in the notes of he donation form.
Thank you for your kindness, and please pray for them.