Bless Ministries Church
Kanuru-Induplalli, India

Bobbanapalli Naveen Kumar has built a strong ministry by patiently working and sharing the gospel in his village of Kanuru-Induplalli and the nearby villages where most people are Hindu or idol worshipers. Naveen's wife B. Mary works with him and their daughters with love to ensure the message of Jesus Christ is heard and received through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Naveen is the brother to another of our partner ministers, Philip Kumar who has a Bless Ministries Church in Vadapalli, India

Naveen and Mary have three daughters, Susanna Glory, Jasmine Glory and Angeline Glory who have become important parts of the ministry, supporting the work as they help in worship, singing and teaching.
Because most of the children are uneducated in the surrounding villages of Bless Ministries Church of Kanuru-Nduplalli, much work goes into helping children gain some forms of learning. The ministry has taken on twenty needy children to supply them with food, clothing and books for education. It is their desire to have a suitable home to care for the orphaned children and means to help the needs of the poor. They reach out to the widows of their community because the social structure of their society does nothing to help them. Bless Ministries Church of Kanuru-Nduplalli wants to give them hope by providing them with a place to live and opportunity to work.

We issued the church an establishment letter and Pastor Naveen a certificate license as a minister of the Gospel.
The church has a Pastor's Fellowship of twenty pastors that go into twenty five villages preaching the gospel and growing churches. Bless Ministries Mobile USA has provided each of them with certificates of license so can minister with confidence and leadership as they work their independent ministries to build a strong Body of Christ in India.

As the Bless Ministries Church of Kanuru-Induplalli continues sharing the gospel and carring out the Great Commission, their ministry will continue to grow for the glory of God. We at Bless Ministries Mobile USA will work to ensure their success.

The Kumar Family and the ministry's greatest challenge is the need for finances. They need supports so they can meet the needs of the poor, orphaned and widowed, while reaching the Hindu community with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is a joyous challenge to the Kumar family and the church. As they become more aware of their anointing in Jesus Christ, the Bless Ministries Church of Kanuru-Induplalli enjoys their time in worship and growing in understanding and knowledge in Jesus Christ. They have endorsed the move of the Holy Spirit in their live as they walk in their Christian growth experience. They have come to truly understand how important the work of the Holy Spirit is on the earth today, and they are doing all they can to help the people in all the surrounding villages witness Jesus through them and see the gifts of the Holy Spirit working to benefit all the people of India.

If you are touched by this vision, please consider helping by becoming a partner in support. Make a donation today. When you donate, please enter "Naveen" in the notes of the donation form.
Most of all remember to pray for the Bless Ministries Church of Kanuru-Induplalli and the Kumar family. Your prayers are what they desire the most. Thank you.