Bless Ministries
Family Development Center
Tzaneen, South Africa

I am Mantwa Delvah Malatji from the nation of South Africa. I am the director of a family development center in Tzaneen, which grew out of the need for people to receive help and training to successfully manage their family and care for orphans.
I come from a family where me and my 5 siblings lost our mother and father in a car accident while we were all very young. We had no one to care for us so the older siblings chose to find work and did they best they could to keep us alive. We went to school with dirty clothes and empty stomachs most of the time. If we were fortunate, we were able to eat once a day, but mostly, we went to bed hungry.

One day we heard a story that a father killed his wife and then killed himself, and others killed the innocent children because things were too hard for living. I had two children and my brother James, who had lost his wife to cancer, had four children. We were also caring for some orphaned children. James and I decided to put our skills together and do something to help these children we were having a difficult time caring for. We started educating ourselves in ways to teach and counsel young people and young adults how to develop into responsible and progressive parents. Our own experiences and choices to care for ourselves and the children has helped us to develop a vision to help families, youth, and orphans, learn how to overcome in live where they can rise above sigma that pelages them to remain in poverty and hardships. This training will extend to those who want to get married, and those who are pregnant with children. We are learning ways to help families with any of the problems they face each day.

Our training helps prepare youth to not have children before they are married and seek help from our organization. We are training young men how to become reliable fathers that are productive and remain a part of their children and wife's lives. We are training women how to care for their children and raise them up to be strong in the Lord Jesus Christ as they work to build business for income.
We are teaching ways to keep children from becoming orphans, by parents learning to stay healthy and involved in their children as a family. We are working to reduce domestic suicide and murder of their children and their parents.
One way we help families and orphans to get food is by teaching them to grow their own food. We are planting cabbage, spinach, and beetroot for food and for selling, to raise money. This will encourage people to have food while learning to build their own businesses.

One day my brother was introduced to Pastor Johnny Holland from Bless Ministries of Mobile, Alabama. James connected us together so we could have more ways of teaching and building this ministry into something people would hear about. Now we are established through Bless Ministries and we carry their name to honor our connection with them.
We are the Bless Ministries Family Development Center of Tzaneen, South Africa.

It is our desire for the Lord to help us build a facility worthy of His name and useful inside the vision of the development center. Bless Ministries has covenanted with us to seek the Lord for His favor, and work to help this vision manifest.

We are proud to have an opportunity to be seen by you. Please pray for us and seek the Lord for ways you might help us develop into a better center for the good of the people and the kingdom of God. Please enter BM Family Develop Center in the notes section when making a donation.
We are truly grateful you took time to view our webpage.
Please don't forget to pray for us.
God bless you.