Bless Ministries Church
Mulsathanam, India

I am Pastor Lanka Vara Prasada Rao, an independent Lord’s servant working for the glory of God in Mulasthanam village, East Godavari District, A.P. State, India.
I have been married to my wonderful wife Padma Ragam since 1999. We do not have any children yet.

I was not always a believer and in love with Jesus Christ. It was not until I finished my B.A. course that I became committed to the Lord. Then one day I heard His voice telling me to move into his service. It was then that I answered the call of God on my life.

We started following the Lord in faith and opened the Jesus Faith Mission with the divine objective to flourish the word of God to the unreached in our region. We reach mainly into the remote areas of our district with the gospel, searching out those who have be left out or passed by. We desire to show them that they too are important to and have the same opportunities in the kingdom of God.

We have expanded our mission work to twenty-five pastors and churches that work under our leadership. We emphasize feeding the poor, caring for the many children and widows that have little or nothing, and preaching the gospel to every creature.
Because the people are poor and we have very little to help with the many needs of the ministry, I felt the need to reach out for help. I wanted to find ways to raise donations to keep building this good work we were doing for the glory of God and the needs of people. I began searching for ways to go beyond our congregations. In my search I started looking for ministries that offer support to other ministries on the world wide web. I came across a ministry in the United States called Bless Ministries of Mobile, USA. As I read through the website I felt so glad and astonished at the wonderful efforts they put forth for strengthening the Lord's servants throughout the earth.

I made contact with Bless Ministries on September 14, 2017. Five days later I received an email from Pastor Johnny Holland, the president and pastor of Bless Ministries Mobile USA. He invited us to partner with them in ministry.

After a time of exchanging history and information we were issued certificates of licenses and establishment letters for all of our pastors and ministries. Our church was so moved by the love and compassion from Bless Ministries we changed our name to Bless Ministries Church of Mulasthanam, India.

Now we have a renewed hope for what God is doing in our ministry. Our partnership with this strong ministry that is giving hope and strength to others has helped us to realize we are Bless Ministries here in India and we are reaching out to do the same things as Bless Ministries Mobile USA. It is our vision to offer hope and strength with power through the Holy Spirit to all people, ministries, and nations. God will use our commitment and we shall make a difference in the world.
Thank you for looking through our webpage. Please pray for ways you can assist us in this great work we have been called to do. You can start by clicking the donation button and share your generosity with us. When making a donation, please enter "LV Parasada" in the notes of the donation form.
Thank you for your goodness towards us.
Our Vision for 2019
A continuous outreach in the district, especially in the sea coast of our Region.
Work for the protection of Christian communities who suffer from persecution.
Distributed Bibles and tracks among the poor.
Hold Cottage meetings.
Strengthen our co-workers by providing financial assistance.