Bless Ministries Church
Dar ES Salaam, Tanzania
I am Jonathan Mulokozi, the fifth of eighteen children born to Simon Mulokozi. I finished my primary education in 1986 at the age of seventeen and was married four years later. My family and I are the pastor family for the newly established Bless Ministries church of Dar Es Salaam in Tanzania.

I was saved in 1994 while attending a Free Pentecostal Church meeting here in Tanzania. I was baptized in water and then filled with the Holy Spirit through the work of this ministry.

From 1996 to 2000, I served as an evangelist under the FPCT church until I enrolled in the Bukoba Harvest Bible College in 2004. After I received my diploma in 2006, I answered the call to be a preacher of the gospel in a church leader's seminar. In the years following. I planted twenty-five churches in Tanzania while holding meetings in neighboring countries, including Rwanda. I continued organizing gospel conferences by inviting international preachers to come and teach the people in Tanzania. These conferences strengthened the faith of our people.

During this time, I dreamed someone in the Spirit told me, "If you help the poor, I will bless you too." I did not understand what this meant at the time. Two years later, I heard the same voice repeating the same thing.

My wife and I started holding services to give aid to widows, orphans, the poor, and the disabled. When our bishop heard we had these services to aid the poor community, he was against the ministry work we were doing, thinking we were trying to build another church. He expelled from his church. The Lord strengthen me by telling me not to listen to the bishop. The Lord told me to listen to Him, and He would tell me what to do. We followed the Lord though it was difficult and an economic challenge.
The Lord favored us with the opportunity to organize and register the Community Support Mission that served as a Christian relief to the people of our community. We obtained funding from international charities and fundraising organizations such as Heifer International-Tanzania/USA, Twam UK, Work Aid, and EGP Charity Uk.

Some of the things we have been successful in organizing are:
Orphans Daycare Centre. We teach the children English and other subjects, including ICT/Computer skills.
Farm to market. This unites small farmers to help market their products without using a middleman. Products like coffee, corn, beans, sesame, chia seeds, peas, beans, millet, and peanuts.
Sewing and mechanical training centers. Young people and women can acquire the skills and machines to support themselves and care for their families.
Raising Livestock. Training and help to raise goats, chickens, and dairy cows, to obtain good nutrition and income for the families of widowed farmers and young orphans.
Photo Maker. Teach the trade of photography to both boys and girls. Helping girls learn to care for themselves instead of believing this is only a boy's skill.
Bible Training. A biblical entrepreneurship training for today's Christians. This is to build the church of Jesus Christ to own the economy and be the light and salt of the world. This vision is to establish a Christian Microfinance Institute or Bank that removes Christians' challenges when borrowing money from the world's financial institutions.

In faith, I started thinking about how to build a center for social and spiritual services that would establish churches and grow social prosperity in our communities. I continued listening to the Holy Spirit for new ways to expose our vision in a greater way. For many years I asked the Lord to connect us with someone with a vision to help us here in Tanzania. The Holy Spirit led me to listen to a YouTube video posted by Pastor Johnny Holland in the United States. His vision of Bless Ministries of Mobile, Alabama, was the type of ministry concept I had been praying for. After contacting Pastor Johnny Holland and becoming a partner in ministry with them, we have reestablished or worked under their leadership. Now I see it is God's time to fulfill our vision here in Tanzania.

We have other servants of God looking for this same evangelical ministry opportunity to proclaim the gospel.

We are working with Robert Kamigwe in Kibaha, Dar ES Salaam, to open a Manthano School of Ministries, starting with thirty students. We will post our opening day after we have the pictures available.
Thank you for looking at this webpage.
Please pray for ways you can help us build our vision for Tanzania.
Consider donating so we can continue meeting the daily needs of our wonderful people.
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Thank you for your kindness.