Bless Ministries Church Philippines
Tagum City, Davao Province, Mindanao, Philippines
Joe and Hermogena Jadol travel and minister the Gospel of Christ and his Kingdom to the high mountain villages in Central Mindanao Region of the Philippines. Their local church fellowship is located in the high mountain village of Sawata, Davao Province. As a husband and wife team, they are both pastors for the Bless Ministries Church U.S.A Philippines Extension. It is their passion to help the poor indigent tribal families see how the message of Jesus Christ and the kindness of the church can give them a ray of hope in this present life. They continue pressing forward, no matter the challenges, raising the hope of all the Pilipino people.

Pastors Joe & Hermogena Jadol
Sons: Christian and Jemuel
The church is an excited congregation that loves praising and worshipping the Lord in fullness of the spirit and power of the Word of God. Without hesitation they enter into worship seeking the leadership of the Lord Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Their extensive discipleship training is helping this progressive ministry to build a strong faith based church that can influence all the surroundings villages and communities to desire Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savor. Much emphases is given to personal spiritual growth and understanding in the Bible.

Church Planting and tribal evangelism is an important part of Pastors Joe and Hermogena's vision to reach all the villages and cities in their region.

By holding Bible Conferences the church is capable of reaching
many more people while providing needed training for the pastors and ministers under their leadership.

Youth Camp 2019
I would like to share to you the victory we have in Jesus, the Victory is that our Youth Camp Meeting Last 16-19 of this month of April, it was very rejoicing, Joyful and full of Power impact messages that we delivered, that changed the life styles and behavior of our youth. They renewed their first love to God and commit to serve Him faithfully and obedience to His word, We give Bibles for those who do not have, they were also enjoy swimming in the clean and blue color Sea facing the Pacific Ocean. They went back home to their respective places bearing with new commitment, with greater Joy, Courage with Zeal and Boldness in the Name of Jesus.
Finally, “ Keep praying for us, for we are convinced that we have a good (clear) conscience, that we want to walk uprightly and live a noble life, acting honorably, and in complete honesty in all things”. Hebrews 13:18, Shalom!

Current Projects
Please take the time and look at the projects we are currently working on by clicking this link: Projects
New Construction
New Construction
Tribal Evangelistic Outreach 2021
October 21-22, The evangelism team went up to high mountain tribal village of Prk. Kuyas, Talaingod, Davao del Norte Province, to minister the gospel of Christ and to enhance some gifts of food to tribal families. With help from Bless Ministries Mobile USA we were able to provide them with bags of rice, canned goods, noodles, toothpaste, bath soap, shampoos, health medicines and vitamins, and assorted used clothing for adult men and women. The Village where we stayed is about 85 miles from the city of Tagum. No buses or motorbike can enter this tiny rugged and stony mountain area. We were only able to use horses to travel in. We went to share the gospel and the love of God with the tribal people, who received the Word well. Here are some pictures of our two days.

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Thank you for your kindness.