Bless Ministries Church of
Anandapuram, Guntur, India
I am Jeenus Potakamuri, pastor of the Bless Ministries Church of Anandapuram, Guntur, India.
My wife Usha Rani Potakamuri, and I work among the Christian families of our community and assist some thirty other pastors and evangelists in building their ministries.
Our son, Methushala, is ten years old.

I was born the youngest of five to Manikya Rao and Vijay Mani Potakamri who taught us the spiritual truths of God and how to live in a way it gives glory to God. God visited me in his own way, and I confessed my sin to him, making Jesus the savior of my soul. I am grateful to God the Father for extending his marvelous grace to me.

My father was a godly man who served in the Indian Airforce for twenty years. After he retired, he worked as a minister until he was promoted to glory in 2004. It was by his example I learned the ways of ministry. My mother remains in good health and is one of our most devoted prayer partners. She supports our ministry as she shows us all how to live in God's grace and mercy.

Now I am ministering the gospel from my village church and sharing the biblical principles in God's word as the Lord has called me to do. We are moving forward in our worship ministries, gospel crusades, Sunday school, vacation bible school, youth gatherings, and gospel processions.

As I was conducting these spiritual activities, I observed some lack in my heart about physical earth deeds of charity, shown in James 1:27. With this burden on my heart, I stretched out my hands for the poor and needy as I prayed for some way to help the starving with hurting stomachs. My sadness and sorrow increased even more because of my limited resources. In my agony, I cried out to the Lord that he might connect me with people who have honorable hearts and means to help us meet the needs of the starving. I was moved by Psalm 41:1, "Blessed is he that considers the poor."

In our search for help, the Lord guided our attention to Bless Ministries of Mobile, Alabama. We contacted Pastor Johnny Holland, who guided us in the process of becoming a partner in ministry with them.

My spiritual growth came from listening to sermons of holy men of God, personal bible meditation, and practical life experiences. Through these challenging and critical experiences, the Lord has proven his faithfulness to my family and me. He has never failed in his promises.

My calling is to work with many local assemblies and use our abilities to unify the Body of Christ in the Guntur area. I have successfully grown good fellowship with the pastors and churches in our region. Our burden for the lost and needy continues to grow as we all pool our resources and skills together to show people how to live in faith with Jesus Christ.

Our vision is that the Lord will enlighten us through revelation in his word for ways to grow interest from the pastors and churches to have a burned for the poor and needy of our communities. Ministry must become convicted to do something for the orphans and widows that live among us. We must see their only protection will come from the Lord and his people, according to James 1:27.

I have been a teacher since 2009. This is our primary source of support. We honor the Lord with our income and use our offerings to help maintain our local church. I will continue teaching until such time the Lord provides for us through ministry.

Thank you for looking at our webpage. My heart desires to fulfill the perfect will of God in my life as I follow Jesus according to biblical standards, as I bring pastors and churches along to care for others.
Please pray for how the Lord would have you help us in this great work we are doing. If you donate, please put my name in the notes of the donation form.
Thank you for your kindness.