Bless Ministries Church of Dwarapudi
Dwarapudi, India
I am James Mulukuri, an independent pastor at Dwarapudi village in East Godavari District, India. My family and I serve the Lord as we minister to our church and the people of the backward communities.

I come from a family that has a long history of being Hindu. As it was our custom, I followed the Hindu religion also. As a teenager, my mother came to know Jesus as her savior and she started attending a local church. By this influence, I also came to believe in Jesus at the age of sixteen. When I was twenty years old I heard the voice of the Lord calling me into service and I answered the call to begin serving in ministry.
I received formal training through a Doctorate of Theology and began building the church at Dwarapudi village. We have grown to more than one hundred and fifty believers, and expanded our leadership to seventy-seven pastors who's churches are presently reaching out with the gospel to serve the Lord and mankind.

I am married to Mary Grace Mulukuri and we have two grown daughters who are also married. Mary Grace works as a teacher in the Anganwadi childcare center that helps us with an income because the ministry does not support us.

It is our vision to spread the gospel throughout the remote areas of East Godavari by holding outreach camps once a month. We have eight teams of ten members who minister in homes door to door, distributing gospel tracks, pray for the people, and invite them to our camp outreach meetings.

Another ministry we have built is the Grace Old Age Home Foundation.
We raise support for elderly and widows in our community to have housing, food, and clothing. It is our joy to provide them with material to make clothing. It is a way the widows can make money while providing clothing for themselves.
As a church ministry, we could never decide upon a name that satisfied our desire to serve the people in our communities. A minister in Rajahmundry town told me of a ministry in the United States that supports and empowers Christian ministries in their vision. Upon his recommendation, I made contact with Bless Ministries Mobile USA. This ministry encouraged us with guidance and leadership that supported our vision. Out of our excitement for that things Bless Ministries Mobile USA was providing us, we chose to name our church after their ministry. On September 18, 2019, we were established as the Bless Ministries Church of Dwarapudi, India.

Here are pastors under our leadership who have received endorsement certificates as partners in ministry also.


We are proud to be a ministry partner with Bless Ministries Mobile USA. We are training our churches and pastors to reach beyond their ministries and build up other ministries in their vision like we are being shown through Bless Ministries Mobile USA.

Thank you for view our webpage. Please pray for us as you look to the Lord Jesus Christ for ways He might want you to help us. You can donate to our ministry by clicking the donate button.
Mary Grace and I invite you to become a sponsor of our Grace Old Age Home Foundation and help to care for the widows and elderly of our community. If you donate, please put my name in the notes of the donation form.
Thank you for your kindness. God bless you.