Riaonsongo Fellowship Church Center
Ogembo, Kenya

Hello, I am Jairus Onsongo. I live in Ogembo, Kenya which is 150 miles west of Nairobi, in the western part of Kenya.
I live in a humble home with my wife Mary.
We have been married since 2007.

For several years I worked as an evangelist going from house-to-house sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ because I had a deep desire to help people understand the love of God. In my work I realized God had placed a calling on me to start building a church. In 2014 I started having services with my mother, three brothers, three sisters, and my wife, Mary. To God's glory, it was not long and our numbers started to increase. We now have a nice church building to conduct services and training.

While working as a house evangelist I saw harsh conditions for the children of our area. Some of the children told me their stories of being without parents and homeless, while others liked with a single parent.

My wife and I had been married almost two years when we found out that Mary was barren and could not have children. We decided because there were so many children in need of good homes and good parents, in late 2008 we adopted a son named John. We later adopted a girl named Incerine, and then before long we adopted two more children. This got us thinking about helping many more children by having an orphanage center.

We shared our passion for the children with our church and together we decided to open an orphanage center through the church ministry. We took on more children, one at a time, and now we have fifteen children being cared for through the Riaonsong Fellowship Orphanage Church Center. We want to take on more, but we must ensure we can care for those we presently have. As the Lord makes more provisions possible, we will continue to reach out to the suffering children of our communities.
It is our desire to reach the many lost souls of our community and region. We want to be exemplary images of Jesus Christ to all those who are in darkness so we can awaken their souls through the Word of God. Then we want to disciple all those whom we bring to Jesus so they will grow into spirit filled people, worshiping, praying and manifesting the power of God through the Holy Spirit.

While teaching the truths of the Bible we also want to provide social care and moral support to the oppressed and poor of our society. We hope to one day reach our vision to provide suitable shelter, clothing and food for the orphaned children and many of those struggling because of poverty. We serve the God of enough and we want to show this to the poor through love and compassion in the name of Jesus Christ.

On September 28, 2016 I met Pastor Johnny Holland who is the founder of Bless Ministries Mobile USA. Through our conversations on Facebook and emails, we have been sponsored by Bless Ministries Mobile. On November 11th Pastor Johnny sent me the sponsorship letter and my certificate of license in the ministry. Because of our partnership, I know that as God supplies through them, Bless Ministries of Mobile, Alabama is going to help us reach our goals for ministry in Kenya.
We need God. These kids are seeking salvation and we have been chosen to bring them back to God. We have been chosen to bring back the lost, the hopeless and the oppressed, and God will soften their hearts because He will deliver them, by His mighty power. He gives hope and restores love to the fatherless and widows.
Their cries are heard by our Heavenly Father and anyone who curses them is cursed by God. Anyone who bless them is blessed abundantly by Him also.
These orphans did not come to our orphanage by mere chance; they were brought to us by God who desired us to help them when no one prepared to. We are called to uplift our faith because "with God there is no such thing as mission impossible". When He sends you on a mission He makes sure you have the means to succeed. This is why we believe in God's provisions.

Please pray of us concerning all our work for the Kingdom of God.
If you have been moved by our work, please click the donation button and help us as the Holy Spirit moves upon your heart. When you donate, please enter "Jairus" in the notes of the donation from.
Thank you for your kindness. God bless you.