Thandazga Assembly of God Church
Mzuzu, Malawi

I am Emmanuel Msinginika from Mzuzu, Malawi. My wife, Gift Siyamie Simkonda, and I were married in 2003 and we have two daughters: Faith and Ungwelu. We are the pastor family for the Thandazge Assembly of God Church in Mzuzu, Malawi. We are part of the Assembly of God International Fellowship of Pastors and Churches of Malawi.
When I was in my secondary level of school I was drinking too much beer. One day after I got drunk and was on my way to school when I heard a voice say, "YOU ARE DRINKING TOO MUCH. DON'T YOU KNOW THAT IS A SIN?" When I heard those words I was powerless. I went to a pastor instead of going to school. The pastor shared the word with me and encouraged me, then led me in prayer. After the prayer a burden lifted from me, and for the first time in my life I felt free. I stopped drinking and became a born again Christian.
After I became a Christian I started having many dreams, but this one dream stood out from all the rest. I dreamed I was preaching before many people. Every time I would have dreams I shared them with the pastor who prayed over me. The pastor told me these dreams were because of the call of God on my life. In 2004 I took this calling serious and enrolled in the theological school. I finished in 2006 with a diploma in theology.

One day I received three scriptures from the Lord: Titus 2:5-9, Mark 10:16, and Luke 2:16-17. When I shared this with the pastor he told me Titus 2:5-9 was God had called me; Mark 10:16 God has anointed me; and Luke 2:16-17 God is sending me to preach. I later joined the Malawi Assembiles of God as a pastor.

As a church we are interested in the interpretations of the 4 types of people.
Connected: Those in Christ - I told the church that these are people who are connected to Jesus Christ as Jesus said in John 15 that we are the branches and we are too connected to him and in John 1 v 12 the one who received his is given power to become a child of God. we became connected to him as we received him.
Disconnected : The prodigals away from God and church.- I told the church that John 15 v 11- 32 explain the parable of the son who went away from his Father and there are many people who are like this son in the church today.
Reconnected: People who are returning to God or to church- as the son in this parable.
Unconnected: People who have not heard or understood the Gospel and I encouraged the church to take part in preaching the gospel.
I also have two organization: the Commissioned Network, a network of preaching locations in Islamic areas that hold crusades and conferences that have many activities; and the International Fellowship of Pastor, Churches, and Ministers, used to unite churches and pastors to work together as one body in Christ to further theological school and fellowship.

The goals of our church vision are:
To passionately work together with churches and ministries to reach the world with the gospel.
To develop a discipleship school across the Malawi and other countries.
To teach others how to defend our Christian faith.
To train church leaders the strategy to be used in advancing the kingdom of God.
To reach local areas with the gospel.
Many pastors are preaching in cities and towns but only 10 percent of these will go in rural areas where there are highly populated Islamic regions. We want to go there.
We want to establishment a theological school in order to train pastors and church leaders.
On June 15, 2023 20 students graduated as the first students to graduate from our school.

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